Leif Sørensen


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FromLeif Sørensen
SubjectHi Mark. I have used some code from - Finding how far the window has been scrolled
Date19 February 2005 16:12
Hello Mark.

My name is Leif.

I landed by chance at Your site, searching for a code to obtain the position
of the scroller.
And - there it was. And even more simpel, than I thought.
I want to thank You.

Also I like to commend Your Site. It is very good.
It is well arranged and very educational.
And also - it is free.

If it is OK with You, I will like to put Your link on my site.
It´s a site dealing the same topics, but in danish. And not fare so
( I am comparatively new to this subject. )

The idéa with my site is to exchange knowledge and experiences with other
- and for free = in danish - Gratis.

Yours sincerely

Leif Sørensen
ToLeif Sørensen
SubjectRe: Hi Mark. I have used some code from - Finding how far the window has been scrolled
Date19 February 2005 16:29

> I want to thank You.

:) I am happy to help - it is nice to know that people find my site useful.

> I will like to put Your link on my site.

I am always happy for people to link to me :) Thankyou for offering.

> sorry for my insufficiently english usage

I cannot speak Danish at all, so it is nice for me that you speak my 
language. You do not need to apologise.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
FromLeif Sørensen
SubjectUpdate: Additions to generic dragable layer script
Date1 December 2005 20:04
Attachmentmodified version of my script
Hello again,

It seems my last email got delayed by hotmail, don't know why but maybe it
was for the best anyway :) I've done some more testing now and come up with
a little better code. I don't think it's possible to add other parameters to
an event (I tried everything ;)) so I made a new function that handles it
instaid (dragEnable()). This made the code look better and still work both

Also I know now that those ondragstart="return false;" onselectstart="return
false;" events prevents IE from messing up things hehe :)

I hope you my addition, this could be used for some kind of nice window
system later I think. Anyway tell me what you think about the changes, cya!

// Leif
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