Leonardo Malcovati


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Email conversation

FromLeonardo Malcovati
SubjectPermission to include RSS script in non-commercial widget
Date28 June 2006 21:46
Dear Mr. Wilton-Jones,
    I would very much like to include your RSS/Atom feed parser in an Opera
9.0 widget that will fetch the feed of my site, [URL]. The site is
mostly concerned with literary subjects and, far from bringing in any
profit, is a small liability.
I intend to fully credit your script for anybody who bothers to leaf through
the code; I might modify it slightly in the future, most likely maiming it
to eliminate all the features that are not strictly necessary to my aims.
If you have doubts about the nature of the widget, you can find a pre-RSS
release on [URL]. The feed itself is located
at [URL]
Thanking you in advance,
Yours truly,
Leonardo Malcovati

I have not included my response here because there is no single answer to this kind of question. I will consider every such request on a case-by-case basis.

If you have a similar request, please see the notes on using my scripts as part of a bundled software package.

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