Leticia Barbero


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FromLeticia Barbero
SubjectYour HowToCreate guide to browsers, such a useful reading!
Date15 August 2005 11:17

I've recently set up a dial-up connection at home (a
shame, I know, but I just can't afford DSL right now)
and was looking for things that would make surfing
faster. I googled "what internet browser is faster"
and the link to your page was one of the first. I
wasn't expecting such a thorough testing on my first
click but I thought it was excellent! I think your
testing planning was quite good and will therefore
trust your results, in any case your knowledge is
obviously far beyond my own (there were things you
tested I didn't even know what they were). So far I'd
tried at different points IE (several versions),
Netscape, Mozilla, and lately was using Firefox, which
I like better than IE. I'd never heard about Opera,
but I'm definetely going to give it a try.

Just thought I'd write a word of thanks to you, given
that you probably get many e-mails with only problems
or complaints.

Regards from Spain,

Leticia Barbero
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