Loy Valera


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FromLoy Valera
SubjectI need help about your script that switches StyleSheets
Date1 August 2005 07:05
I need help since I want to use your script. Can i use your stylesheet
switcher even if i use <iframes> that uses 2 different stylesheets (the main
page uses style.css and the inner page that rest inside the iframe uses
style2.css)? my concern is that when i use the switcher, can i do a switch
so that both the 2 css files can be changed simultaneously? hope you help me
and thanks for this great script.



PS: i don't know how to code javascript/php/cgi etc. i only do html files so
i can't understand deep script terms. sorry :/
ToLoy Valera
SubjectRe: I need help about your script that switches StyleSheets
Date1 August 2005 14:39

> Can i use your
> stylesheet switcher even if i use <iframes> that uses 2 different
> stylesheets


both pages will need to store the choice in a cookie, and they must use
different cookies (unless you use the same titles on the stylesheets in the
main page and iframe page).

Both pages (parent and child) must have the onload and onunload event
handlers, and they must both include the script tag to load the script.

The parent must then use this to change the style:
window.frames['child name'].window.changeStyle('whatever else');

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
FromLoy Valera
SubjectRe: I need help about your script that switches StyleSheets
Date3 August 2005 10:11
Thanks! I'm gonna try this. However one question again:
do you mean that I need to put the script and the css caller in all of my
files? But the main switcher (usually the chooser that's on the top-right of
your page) i will only put it on the indexpage?

Thanks for the help in advance!

[Ed. yes]
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