Lucas Croslow


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FromLucas Croslow
SubjectRSS/Atom Parser Problem
Date22 May 2007 15:59
FYI: I had to suppress errors on line three of the rssLocal.php file to get
this script to work. For some reason (may just be my PHP installation) PHP
was throwing an error because you were checking for the existence an
undefined variable.

Thus I changed this:

if( !$feedURL ) { [...] }

To this:

if( @!$feedURL ) { [...] }

and it worked like a charm.

Love the script, many thanks.

Lucas Croslow
ToLucas Croslow
SubjectRe: RSS/Atom Parser Problem
Date22 May 2007 16:19

> For some reason (may just be my PHP installation) PHP
> was throwing an error because you were checking for the existence an
> undefined variable.

Sounds like your error_reporting setting in php.ini is set too high -
probably set to show notices instead of errors - and then it is also set to
display errors (some admins do not like to display errors since it can give
away system configuration details). Notices are not needed for this script -
they are only needed while developing. See this page for details:

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromLucas Croslow
SubjectRe: RSS/Atom Parser Problem
Date22 May 2007 16:21
I see - thank you very much for the quick reply and the great script.
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