Luis Carrasco


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FromLuis Carrasco
Subjecti would like to get your opinion on SEO training. thanks for the tutorial
Date22 January 2009 06:58
I own a site named [URL] and after getting tired of paying for poor
service from a web developer i have decided to learn web development myself. 
I wanted to thank you for the tutorial it's a start on my education.  I
would like to ask you what kind of training or classes for SEO related
information.  anyhelp would be appreciated
luis carrasco
ToLuis Carrasco
SubjectRe: i would like to get your opinion on SEO training. thanks for the tutorial
Date25 January 2009 09:04

> I would like to ask you what kind of training
> or classes for SEO related information.

Don't fall for the whole SEO scam. The vast majority of companies that
claim to do SEO will end up getting you a good ranking for useless,
obscure terms or phrases that nobody will ever search for. They also end
up violating good practices, litter your site with garbage content and
spam links, damage your company reputation, and tend to be counted as
abuse that will get your site blocked from search engines for violating

The only thing I recommend is that you ensure that your site is
regularly updated with high quality, relevant articles to attract
visitors, and that you do not use anything that blocks search engines
(such as requiring JavaScript for all navigation). The search engines
and your visitors will take care of the rest.

If you want any more information, see Google's documentation:
(Basically a more verbose version of what I just said.)

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
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