Luke Smith


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FromLuke Smith
SubjectSome additional info re: Safari 3 and dynamic stylesheets
Date5 February 2008 19:55
First of all, thank you very much for the comprehensive article

I've recently gone down this road and discovered the following things that
may be useful to include in your findings.  All are regarding Safari 3.0.4
(523.12.2) on Mac OS X 10.4.  As expected, I was unable to get Safari 2 to
be even the slightest bit compliant.

Safari 3 dynamic style notes:

* appending/inserting a dynamically created style element into the body will
not update the page styles.
* style elements added to the body do have .sheet and the corresponding API
(insertRule, etc), but inserting rules causes no change.
* style elements added to the body do increase the length of
* style elements added to the head affect the page styles and can be
modified with expected results

Style elements added to the body cause the expected style change (as do
future rule addition/modification) in FireFox2 and Opera 9.  I believe they
also do for IE6/7, but I can't recall accurately.

I did only a brief test in Safari 3 for Windows using the code that worked
for FF2, Opera, and IE6/7.  It failed, but I did not research why or attempt
to find a solution.

[Ed. It works in Safari 3.0.4 on windows]

Here's the final code that satisfied FF2, Opera 9, IE6, and IE7 for
   var rule;
   var incompatible = false;

   var setWidth = function (w) {
       if (!rule && !incompatible) {
           var s = document.createElement('style');
           s.type = 'text/css';
           if (s.styleSheet && s.styleSheet.addRule) {
               rule = s.styleSheet.rules[s.styleSheet.rules.length-1];
           } else if (s.sheet && s.sheet.insertRule) {
               s.sheet.insertRule(".box {}",0);
               rule = s.sheet.cssRules[s.sheet.cssRules.length-1];
           } else {
               incompatible = true;

       if (rule) {
  = w+"px";

   document.getElementById('doit').onclick = function () {

   document.getElementById('doit2').onclick = function () {

Affecting a with some default styles set by another stylesheet.

Luke Smith
ToLuke Smith
SubjectRe: Some additional info re: Safari 3 and dynamic stylesheets
Date9 February 2008 09:10

> I've recently gone down this road and discovered the following things that
> may be useful to include in your findings.  All are regarding Safari 3.0.4
> (523.12.2) on Mac OS X 10.4.

Thanks for the info. I will see about adding some of this to the tutorial.
Note that it makes sense that stylesheets added to the body will not work,
since according to the HTML specification, stylesheets are not allowed in
the body, only the head.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
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