Mark Janssen


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FromMark Janssen
Subjecti need your help please
Date23 July 2003 12:57

I need your help. I created
http://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/xxxx_xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx, but I want
this thing to happen on click instead over when I'm hovering. IE support
isnt neccessary, I'll make something for that later.

Please help me! (fast)

ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: i need your help please
Date23 July 2003 13:19

If your intention is to use just CSS, you should find that :active instead
of :hover does the trick. However, that requires the user to keep the mouse
down, so they will not be able to click on the links . . .

does this help?

Tarquin - author of
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: i need your help please
Date23 July 2003 13:22
I want to only use css....but :active is not the solution as indeed the
users cant click the links anymore. A friend made
http://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/xxxx_xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx.xxxx, but this one
doesn't work in opera and I also think it doesnt work in
works in IE :/.
our goals are internet explorer, mozilla, opera and konqueror, maybe Lynx.
thanks for your fast response.

ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: i need your help please
Date23 July 2003 13:31
hmm. That example does not work in Opera, Safari or Konqueror, because they
only consider something as having focus (and therefore being :active) while
the mouse button is held down. Strangely, OmniWeb 4.5 (which is based on
Safari) _does_ work!

Give me about 1/2 hr, I will see what I can find out that might help . . .
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: i need your help please
Date23 July 2003 14:02

Unfortunately, I can only find one thing that would help;
However, this is in CSS3 draft and is not supported by Opera 7.

I can give you a very quick JavaScript that will do what you need though:
<a onclick="this.className='activeEl';" onmouseout="this.className='';">
used with:
div#links a:active span, div#links a.activeEl span {
  color: #AAA; background: #22232F;
  font: 10px Verdana, sans-serif; text-align: center;
  padding: 10px; border: solid 5px #444;

in a sense, this is using CSS :/ ... well, kindof ...


FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: i need your help please
Date23 July 2003 16:38
Nice, technical solotion :). I thought opera supported this...what about
mozilla, internet explorer and konqeror? does this solution work in that

thanks for your time
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: i need your help please
Date23 July 2003 16:42
another thing:
I want to have selectable stylesheets. Now I saw that devedge switched 
this from clientside javascipt to serverside scripts.
Do you know why? And what is the best solution??

ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: i need your help please
Date24 July 2003 08:34
> > <a onclick="this.className='activeEl';" onmouseout="this.className='';">

The technique I gave should work in all good browsers (IE4+[win/mac],
Mozilla, Konqueror, Opera 7, Safari, OmniWeb 4.5+). What will happen is
that the menu will stay open until they move their mouse out of it. Of
course, the :active will override that in IE4+[win/mac], Mozilla and
OmniWeb 4.5+, so in those browsers, the behaviour should be exactly how it
is now.

> I want to have selectable stylesheets.

I do not know why DevEdge would change to server side, but it may be
because Netscape 4 (and a few minor browsers) cannot do client side
switching, but can do server side (if you care . . .), and of course, they
made Netscape 4. Also, server side does not require JavaScript. Both
techniques require cookies.

Personally, I prefer client side, because it is quicker, so the user can
see the results instantly. Try this comparison:

__Server side:
Supported by _all_ browsers that support CSS
JavaScript is not required
Changing stylesheets requires a server request
If the user does not like their chosen stylesheet, they need to do another
  server request
Cookies are required
Access to server side scripting is required

__Client side:
Switching is instant
Less load is put on the server as no extra requests are made to the server
Access to server side scripting is not required
JavaScript is required
Only supported by good browsers (IE4+, Mozilla, Opera 7, Konqueror, Safari,
  OmniWeb 4.5+)
Cookies are required
All stylesheets are loaded by the browser, even if the user only ever uses one

If you want it, I have written a stylesheet switching library that is
relatively easy to implement. See my libraries page:
or try the demo
instructions are given at the start of the script file

FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: i need your help please
Date24 July 2003 10:54
Thanks. :). I think devedge switched to serverside because their scripts didnt
support opera. (I had to use the opera built-in menu).
Is there a way to also switch images? On our site will be themed icons, and
users must be able to choose another one. If we can do this client-side
without much coding, please tell me :).
For the menu-javascript: I'm going to make a nice onclick javascript (I think
~5 lines), so that the menu works onclick, and not onclick-onmouseover.

Thanks alot for your help.
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: i need your help please
Date24 July 2003 11:05
switching images with JavaScript is easy also:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"><!--

//firstly, cache the new image
var myImage = new Image();
myImage.src = 'newImageLocation.gif';

function changeImage() {
    //then when you want to change it
    document.images['theImageToChange'].src = myImage.src;


<!-- now do the HTML -->
<img src="initialImage.gif" name="theImageToChange" ... >

<a href="#" onclick="changeImage();return false;">Change image</a>
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: i need your help please
Date24 July 2003 11:07
And what about this same thing with css? If that isn't possible, I'll use :).
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: i need your help please
Date24 July 2003 11:26
yes it is possible:

replace the icon image with:
<img class="onlyonone" src="blah.gif" ...>
<img class="onlyontwo" src="blah2.gif" ...>
<img class="onlyonthree" src="blah2.gif" ...>

in stylesheet 1:
img.onlyontwo, img.onlyonthree { display: none; }

in stylesheet 2:
img.onlyonone, img.onlyonthree { display: none; }

in stylesheet 3:
img.onlyonone, img.onlyontwo { display: none; }

now when you switch, it will also switch which image is displayed.

does that make sense?
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: i need your help please
Date24 July 2003 11:29
It makes sense...but isnt it a very long way??
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: i need your help please
Date24 July 2003 11:41
The problem is that CSS only governs how things should look, not HTML
attributes. They belong to the HTML and the JavaScript DOM. CSS cannot
alter the src directly. My workaround is to say they should look invisible.

ok, if you want another way, instead of using an image, use an empty
element (like a span)

<span class="hasImg">&nbsp;</span>

span.hasImg { height: 20px; width:20px; }
/* if you want to align this, use 'float' */

in stylesheet 1:
span.hasImg { background-image: url(myImage.gif); }

in stylesheet 2:
span.hasImg { background-image: url(myImage2.gif); }

in stylesheet 3:
span.hasImg { background-image: url(myImage3.gif); }

FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: i need your help please
Date24 July 2003 13:04
I thought of this one myself. I think I'll go for serverside changing, we 
gotta fast server and the serverside scripts are which is very fast.

FromMark Janssen
Date07 August 2003 15:54

i made http://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/xxxx_xxxxxxxx/xxxx.xxxx, but as you
can see it doesnt work. plz help me fix this!

what i want: a horizontal bar, with  vertical submenus.


regards mark
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: help
Date07 August 2003 16:26
It does work, just not in IE. You need to change 'makeMenu' to 'topMenu'
in the IE conditional comments as well

<!--[if gte IE 5]>
<style type="text/css">
ul.topMenu li {
	behavior: url( '' );
ul.topMenu ul {
	display: none; position: absolute; top: 2px; left: 78px;
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: help
Date07 August 2003 16:28
no im not doing the ie support yet....but the submenus hide when u hover
em :S
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: help
Date07 August 2003 16:26
Aaah! I see what you mean!

I was using Opera 7. It works fine in Opera 7, but Mozilla seems to 
dislike the display: inline; style - it considers the area of the li to
end at the boundry of the static content, not any positioned content.
That's very bad! It does not consider that the child ULs use any space at
all, even though they are being displayed (try putting a border on them,
you will see what I mean).

It's a Mozilla 'bug' I have run into before. Nothing much I could do about
it then, and I'm afraid there's not much I can do now either.
this page has a solution that works. Instead of using UL.topMenu, it uses
DIV.topmenu. It also uses DIVs for the first set of child elements, and
instead of making them display inline, it floats them left, and does not
clear any of them. Interesting technique and it seems to work, although
you will need to tweak my code if you want to do it that way.

Sorry I can't be more help.

FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: help
Date08 August 2003 09:30
Please look at the netscape devedge menu (they have some examples), their menu 
is in fact what i want, but i want sub-submenus :).

maybe you can help me with this?
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: help
Date08 August 2003 09:56
gotcha. I see what they have done. They recognise it as a bug/annoyance,
so they have added
padding-bottom: 30em;
ul.topMenu li

You almost got it, but you put it in 
ul.topMenu li:hover ul
I think you need it in both

problem then is that you cannot do any background colourings or borders on
ULs (devedge is not affected by that because they do not have sub menus).
If you do, the background shows under the sub menu, and if there is a
left/right margin on the UL. Also, your menus will not close if you move
the mouse directly below them, instead of to the left/right (just like on

all borders / backgrounds need to go onto the LIs, so you must not have any
LI margins (IE bug)
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: help
Date08 August 2003 10:20
on second thoughts, make the extra padding under
ul.topMenu li:hover
ul.topMenu li
or the menus open when your mouse is over the page below them.

problem is that the same thing as before happens if you move the mouse too
far right. When it moves further right than the right edge of the parent
li, the menu closes. Padding cannot help here. This means that child menus
of a sub menu will be unusable, unless they open directly _under_ their
parent LI, not to the right of it. In fact, on devedge, they have used
JavaScript to stop that happening with the first sub level.

Try it, switch of JavaScript, then try the 'library' menu. Hover your mouse
over the 'manuals' entry, then slowly move it right. The menu will close
when the mouse is under the 'toolbox' menu parent, even though you are
still over the 'manuals' LI.

That is ugly. Try it again with JavaScript enabled, and it works fine!

You have to ask yourself just how much work you want to put into this ...
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: help
Date10 August 2003 13:11
Check it in opera and it's even worse ;).
How does your menu work??? Why does this mouseover thing work?
Can you help me with what I want?

I do want to put some work in it, it's for a big site which will be css 2
and xhtml 1.1 valid, even AAA-accessibility..(nearly) everything will work
without javascript (eg. onclick panel hiding will not work without
javascript, maybe this is going to be hover css).

ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: help
Date10 August 2003 21:49
> Check it in opera and it's even worse ;).

I know. They have hit a bug in Opera 7's positioning algorithms. Maybe
Opera 7 is not inheriting a position style correctly, I don't know. Sorry,
but It would take me too long to decypher their code (I do all this my own
time for free, and I have a family too ...).

> How does your menu work??? Why does this mouseover thing work?

My menu just happens not to have the Opera bug. However, 
brothercake's menu does have the opera problem. Opera has problems 
with virtual z-indexing, which is why parts of the menus disappear until
you hover over them.

> Can you help me with what I want?

I don't really have the time to build you a custom menu right now, but I
will take a look for you in the next couple of days. I may have to do it
using DIV elements at the top most level though . . . Sorry, have got food
poisoning today so I'm finding it hard to look at my computer :)
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: help
Date10 August 2003 21:54
Thats too bad...Isn't it like I just have to position the top of the menu
horizontal instead of vertical, and then re-position the second level? I
want to make 3 levels (= top level, submenu, sub-submenu).

ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: help
Date10 August 2003 22:19
horizontal will only work reliably if you convert to left floated DIVs for
the topmost LIs only (and remove their surrounding UL). The float means
that you don't need to use display: inline; so you won't get the Moz
problem. You can then adapt my code to make multiple levels work with your
chosen colour scheme.
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: help
Date12 August 2003 14:03
i was also curious if it's possible to define a :hover in css, but if 
javascript is enabled, ignore this hover (so I can make a javascript onclick; 
if javascript is disable then it becomes a css hover)?


ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: help
Date12 August 2003 14:10
This is possible. Use JavaScript to change the className property
onmouseover, so different CSS rules will be applied

a.class1:hover { etc: etc; }

<a class="class1" onmouseover="this.className='class2';" href="blah">
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: help
Date12 August 2003 14:13
I got another solution:
on page onload, change the class of the thing with the css border, then the 
css hover is ignored :) I wanted onclick() ;)

btw did u get my other mail??
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: help
Date12 August 2003 14:18
I got a mail saying you were on holiday.

What I showed you can still use onclick, it just uses the mouseover to
change the className before the :hover has a chance to be applied:

<a class="class1" onmouseover="this.className='class2';"
        href="blah" onclick="doYourThing();">

or, yes, you can use:

<body onload="
for( var x = 0, y = document.links; y[x]; x++ ) {
	if( y[x].className == 'class1' ) { y[x].className = 'class2'; }
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: help
Date12 August 2003 14:27
Could you give me some code [for the ammended CSS menu] (if you dont have
much time, give me only the code for the menu itself, not the css)??

thanks alot :)
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: help
Date12 August 2003 14:38
This should get you started (I have not tested it in a menu situation yet):

<div class="myMenu">
	<div style="float:left;position:relative;">
	<div style="float:left;position:relative;">
	<div style="float:left;position:relative;">
FromMark Janssen
Date13 September 2003 22:26

i would like your help with
[http://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/menu/]. It works good in
mozilla/gecko, but not in khtml or opera (and IE of course). Can you help
me getting this working in opera and khtml - without javascript? I'll
solve IE problems with javascript (if there isnt a solution for it, which
i think there isnt).

thanx alot!

ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date15 September 2003 20:06
I will not have much time to do this for a while, I'm just back from
holiday and have a lot of catching up to do. I suggest you start by
following the 'float' technique I sent you previously.
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date17 September 2003 20:28
Attachmentsimple horizontal CSS menu (not IE yet ... or Opera 7.20 [bug])
OK, obviously this example (attached) is not complete, but it should be
enough to get you started. I have discovered that Opera ignores
position:relative on a float, so I have enclosed the first level ULs
inside two DIV elements, the first of which is floated, and the second of
which is positioned.
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date20 September 2003 11:22
hmm this thing doesnt work in konqueror (khtml)...
it does work in opera tho.

ps: ur menu also aint working in konqueror :( :'(
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date20 September 2003 13:25
the style switcher doesnt workin konqueror either :(
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date21 September 2003 21:18
Sorry the menu didn't work in Konq, I was at home, and I only have V2.1.1
here, which doesn't do it anyway. I will check at work with 3.0.0 and
Safari, and see if I can fix it.

As for the stylesheet switcher, ... it does work. Just Konqueror overrides
it with its view menu settings. It works normally, but once Konq has
decided to use the 'view' menu setting and ignore my script, there is
nothing I can do. The script works in Safari and OmniWeb 4.5 though, so I
know Konq should do it, it just doesn't want to. I will take another look
into this, because I'm sure it should be OK, but I cannot make any promises,
I think it has something to do with the Konq chrome, not KHTML
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date21 September 2003 21:19
OK thanks alot!! I'll submit an KDE bug report.
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date21 September 2003 21:27
The bug report is located at
Please confirm it if you've got time.
I use KDE 3.1.4 as you see in the bug report.
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date22 September 2003 13:51
Have done so, and linked to a couple of other bug reports.

By the way, the menu I sent you
( works in Safari/OmniWeb,
but not Konq 3.1. I guess that the functionality to change display on
:hover was not implemented even in version 3.1, but it should be in later
versions since apple gave their safari improvements back to the KDE project
at about 3.1.

Opera 7 needs the child menus to be shifted left 1px, it works atm, but
only if you move quickly.

The thing is that BrotherCake said he got it to work in 3.1, maybe he had
3.1.x and it is fixed in his version.
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date22 September 2003 14:52
I've got konqueror 3.1.4 (latest stable) and it doesn't work in there :(.

I'm asking ppl in the kopete irc channel to test it...
Two people that tested it (one with today's kde version) say it doesn't 
work. :( :( :'(

- --- cut ---
Some IRC chat discussing how no Konqueror versions work the menu, and the
latest versions do not even show the top level correctly.
- --- uncut ---

I don't see the problem with opera 7?

thanks again
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date22 September 2003 15:07
sounds like konq has not caught up with Safari yet . . . Does my other menu
(vertical) work for you?
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date22 September 2003 15:09
No they don't work either.
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date25 September 2003 19:54
What'd be the best solution?
I really need to get on with the site.
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date25 September 2003 20:09
Check http://xxxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/xxxxxxxxx.xxxx
[page that uses .classname:hover { background-color: red; }]
Does work in opera, not in mozilla or konq :S
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date25 September 2003 20:17
Attachmentpage with suggestions implemented
> What'd be the best solution?

I've been trying to think of a way to do this. I think your best bet is to
use JavaScript, like you do with IE. Effectively making a CSS/JavaScript
hybrid menu from the last one I sent you. I've just been trying to make a
script that does it without significant changes to the document. It should
be quite easy, and I have attached a prototype.

It requires
onmouseover="msOver(this);" onmouseout="msOut(this);"
to be included in the parent element (div at the top level, and li for
child levels - take a look at the source).

I have not tested if it works in Konq 3+ yet, as I only have 2.1.1 here.

This would also start you towards IE support - note that IE5.0/win cannot
position li/ul elements and IE5.5 positions them incorrectly, so you might
want to use conditional comments for these.

I know this is not as neat as a pure CSS solution, but at least it should
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date25 September 2003 20:23
> Does work in opera, not in mozilla or konq

It's browser bugs. Change it to
and it works, in Moz at least. Can't test Konq here.
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date25 September 2003 20:26
stupid. it works now, even in konq.

im going to look for a non-js solution but i think there's nothing else 
possible :(.
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date26 September 2003 08:08
I was wondering what would happen if you used visibility instead of
display ....
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date26 September 2003 14:42
What's that like?
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date26 September 2003 14:54
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. I have just discovered that although
it can handle the vertical menus, Opera 7.20 refuses to handle the
horizontal one. I'm going to scream!

**screams silently over the internet**

ok, I will fix this Opera problem first.
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date26 September 2003 14:56
HELL! If everyone used the same browser me'd happy!
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date26 September 2003 15:28
OK, solved Opera's problem. It is a bug (I have filed a bug report).
div:hover, li:hover { font-size: 1em; }
suddenly makes it work, for no reason. I have also managed to reproduce the
bug on a smaller scale:
	div:hover { background-color: red; }
	div:hover span { background-color: #ff7; }
	span { border: 1px solid navy; }
	<div>the span is <span>here</span></div>
the :hover has no effect

Now, time to work on that Konq bug
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date26 September 2003 15:28
Attachmentpage with a menu that works in Opera 7.20 but not Konq
I have attached a menu that uses visibility instead. It does not work in
Konq 3.0.0. Does it work in 3.1?

I have also fixed the Opera 7.20 bug in it.
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date26 September 2003 15:36
:'( no luck in 3.1.4 either. :/

Thanks alot for your help by the way.
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date26 September 2003 19:22
maybe im stupid but..
how can i get
[Page using
  #dA div { display: none; }
  #dA:hover div { display: block; }
  <div id='dA'>Hover over here</div>
  <div>this should appear</div>
to produce a hover effect]
working the way i 
want? the bottom div should appear when i hover the top one. just to test 
btw konqueror doesnt understand // commenting in css :(
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date27 September 2003 09:47
The second DIV needs to be inside the first, not after it (unless you use
the + selector instead of the > selector, but support for + is worse than
support for >).

CSS commenting should always be done as /* comment */
// is not valid
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date27 September 2003 11:40
OK thanks. What browsers _do_ support the + selector?

Check [Page using
  #dA { font-size: 10em; }
  #dA div { font-size: 2.7em; }
  <div>10em text</div>
  <div>should be 2.7em text</div>
to set font sizes]
1. Why do I get font-size: 10em in the hovershow-div
2. It doesn't work in Konqueror!
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date27 September 2003 11:54
IE5 Mac, Op 5-7, Safari/Konq, Mozilla all support it correctly
IE 4-5 Win get it wrong, and 5.5-6 ignore it completely.

The reson for the oversized text is because the font size in the .hovershow
is multiplied by the font size in .hovertest

The text in .hovertest is 10 times normal text size. Because the .hovershow
is inside it (so it inherits size from its parent element), it's 1em size
is also 10 times normal size. So, when you use 2.7em to make it 2.7 times
as big as normal, it makes it 2.7 times 10 times normal, so 27 times normal.
font-size: 0.27em;
(as in 2.7 / 10) in .hovershow, and it will work as you expected.
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date27 September 2003 12:11
Thanks that works.

[The hover example] still doesn't work in 
konqueror :(.

IE didn't support the > selector either so why should they support the +
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date27 September 2003 12:38
it can be problematic though, as in IE4-5,
'div + p' === 'p'
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date27 September 2003 17:31
does [the hover example] work in ur konq? i think 
thats the prob it doesnt work here
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date29 September 2003 10:15
It does not work in Konq 3.0.0
The first div changes colour, but the second does not appear.
FromMark Janssen
Date26 November 2003 17:31
Attachmentexample of a previous menu

its me again. last time u created some opera menu for me, but added lost
of divs. now i've been investigating the problem, and i know why the
attached menu doesnt work in opera. there are two problems:

* a-colouring creates an error
* padding on top level menu, not in mozilla

the error is in:

ul.markcssmenu li:hover > a{
   color: #ffffff;
   background-color: #284ab3;

comment those lines and it works, except for this padding (there is a
white border around the blue top level items).

kind regards,

ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date27 November 2003 08:42
Interesting and well spotted. It is a bug, but the reason is quite simple.
If you do not float the divs and you are using display:inline, the ul must
extend to cover the maximum area of the menu content, so it has problems
working out what colours should overlap what others (virtual z-index). If
you don't specify colours, it doesn't try and largely gets it right,
although the bottoms of all the menu blocks are missing in Opera 7.23 until
you hover over them. You should report this to Opera software as a bug, but
it may take them a while to fix, because it is obviously burried deep in
their code somewhere.
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date27 November 2003 14:38
Yes, I've seen the menu cutoff.

how can i fix the hover? I understand what you write but not how to fix
it ;). A more recent version is at

ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date28 November 2003 08:25
Well ...
As you might imagine, as this is a bug, there is no quick and easy fix, but
you can fix it by adding just one element to each top level 'A'.
I found that if you put a span inside the li elements and colour the span
instead, Opera 7 will do the color highlight. Of course, the span is inline,
not block, so the background will not cover the full width. It will also do
the background-color highlight if you colour the li (although the 'a'
colour will override the li colour - so the span is still needed).

Not a pretty fix, but it works.
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date28 November 2003 15:57
Can I solve it using javascript?
ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date28 November 2003 08:25
off the top of my head ...

remember to put your UL class name instead of YOUR_CHOSEN_CLASS_NAME

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
window.onload = function () {
  var ULs = document.getElementsByTagName('ul');
  for( var n = 0; ULs[n]; n++ ) {
    if(ULs[n].className=='YOUR_CHOSEN_CLASS_NAME') {
      x = ULs[n].getElementsByTagName('li');
      for(var i = 0;x[i];i++){
        x[i].onmouseover = function () {
          var y = this.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
          if(y){ = 'block'; }
        x[i].onmouseout = function () {
          var y = this.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
          if(y){ = 'none'; }

Sorry, I gotta go now.
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date28 November 2003 17:09
This is cool! It works!

Not everything yet (such as IE doing nearly everything wrong), but it's 
a good start!

I'm going to play with the script :)

FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: menu
Date28 November 2003 20:10
hmm some little bug in this: the first item doesnt stay highlighted!
FromMark Janssen
Subjectprevious email
Date9 December 2003 18:46
im sorry if you didnt have the time to read my previous email already,
but could you help me with my problem?

thanks alot.

ToMark Janssen
SubjectRe: previous email
Date10 December 2003 13:28
sorry - extremely busy -

honestly not sure how to approach this one.
I would suggest using className to set the class of the LI, forcing it to rerender. you can use
li.isHigh { background-color: whatever; }
li.isHigh a { color: whatever; }

       x[i].onmouseover = function () {
         this.className = 'isHigh';
         var y = this.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
         if(y){ = 'block'; }
       x[i].onmouseout = function () {
         this.className = '';
         var y = this.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
         if(y){ = 'none'; }
FromMark Janssen
SubjectRe: previous email
Date13 December 2003 23:21

Thanks alot.
I got the menu working a bit more now :), I also managed to get your
javascript kill the menu cutoff bug and get it working with separators
and restoring original classes.

But, could you check http://xxxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/xxxx/xxxxxxx.xxxx with
opera? the two things that are irritating me are:
#  Opera top menu bar padding
#  First menu left offset

I don't know if you have a simple solution for this, you're more into
CSS than me.

Kind regards,
Mark Janssen

PS.: sorry if you're busy.
FromMark Janssen
Subjectthe menu
Date14 December 2003 21:47

i got the padding in opera removed :D.
i just made the menu valid xhtml (it has some missing end tags) and
added border-collapse: collapse; to the css :) :) :).
i only need to remove the left offset from the first submenu now, and
(bah) get it working in IE and KHTML (if it doesnt work yet).


See also our conversation about Internet Explorer, PNG Alpha and gamma correction.

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