Email conversation
From | Mark S Stewart |
To | Me |
Subject | web page accesibility - bravo! |
Date | 3 July 2005 07:16 |
You have a lot of great hints on web page accessibility - something I've
always tried to do. And you had a few interesting suggestions I had never
seen before - such as
Site signature
Links to bypass sections
One minor note: The page title for the following two pages are exactly the
same, so when I bookmarked them both (Mozilla 1.8a6), and didn't type in a
different, my bookmark menu now has two entries, both with the same name -
"Making accesible pages." :-)
From | Me |
To | Mark S Stewart |
Subject | Re: web page accesibility - bravo! |
Date | 3 July 2005 11:39 |
> You have a lot of great hints on web page accessibility
Thankyou :)
> One minor note: The page title for the following two pages are exactly
> the same
Oops. One might say that is not accessible to bookmarks ;)
I have changed the title of the initial page:
Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of