Mark Underhill


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FromMark Underhill
SubjectForm Fields in draggable layers in firefox focus problem
Date7 June 2007 06:19
Hi Tarquin,

You have the smoothest dragable layer that I have found and I would like to
use it in a console which has numerous text fields and is a nested div which
gets passed to the draggable and is hidden and then comes up on a click.

It works fantastic .... in IE.   In FF the concept works great - the div
moves seemlessly and buttons within as well as select menus can activate,
however, the actual text fields do not - the mouseover takes the focus away
and makes them unselectable :( -- I am a php nut but my JS is rusty at best
and I couldn't on a couple of attempts get to change the focus to the one of
the inner divs.   I tried the simplest thing first - lowering the draggable
height in your script but that didn't see to help - I turned my cursor off
in the CSS as well but it just detects it.

I have checked around your emails and havent seen anything about it.

Right now the script is a bit rough and it's a little bit of a slog to get
to see it in action but I have set up a test login page if you are willing
to take a peak.  Unfortunately the thing is so wrapped up in the class which
builds it that I can't really extract it to make it easy to view - it's
still just a couple of clicks - if you have a moment to take a look that
would be great -

[URL] -- if you log in as [user]/[pass] then
refresh the page, then you will see a selector at the top, go to "layout and
style mode" and you will see some little aqua pencil icons.

Click one and there you will see the app.  The first tab has the most text
fields and that is where I can't get the focus in FF 2.0.

And - if you already know the answer - feel free to completely not visit the
site and just let me know!

Thanks so much - your site is really great.
ToMark Underhill
SubjectRe: Form Fields in draggable layers in firefox focus problem
Date7 June 2007 22:36

> It works fantastic .... in IE.   In FF the concept works great

Please follow this if you need any further assistance :)

> however, the actual text fields do not - the mouseover takes the focus away
> and makes them unselectable
> I have checked around your emails and havent seen anything about it.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromMark Underhill
SubjectRe: Form Fields in draggable layers in firefox focus problem
Date8 June 2007 03:52
Thanks so much - I did try to search for it because I figured someone must
have asked!  Your answer worked perfectly --- except now the submit button
is the last piece.  Tried a couple of things but no luck still trying.

Wondering if you had heard of the one too?  I know that submit buttons don't
have methods like mouseover - I am wondering if I need to switch to a text
link input or an image field? either would actually work fine but just

Thanks again

ToMark Underhill
SubjectRe: Form Fields in draggable layers in firefox focus problem
Date8 June 2007 08:07

> I know that submit buttons don't have methods like mouseover

Sure they do. They support the same script events as any other input. The
same fix should work for submit buttons too.

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