Martin Dougiamas


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Email conversation

FromMartin Dougiamas
SubjectAsking for permission to use html2text
Date6 November 2003 15:39

I've been looking for a good html2text script in PHP to
use in Moodle, to format our HTML forum messages for people
with plain text email.

Yours seems the most useful I've found so far - congrats!

We're "good guys" - Moodle users are pretty much all
educational institutions, but I wanted to check the
following with you:

Moodle is a GPL program.  May we include your software
within Moodle under the GPL license?  Once it's in there
I wouldn't want anyone to have to negotiate separately
with you in the future ... despite the fact that your
code (as part of Moodle only) will be distributed far
and wide.

We'll also probably be tweaking your code as necessary
to fit our needs - is that OK?

Of course you would get linked on the credits page

What do you think?


I have not included my response here because there is no single answer to this kind of question. I will consider every such request on a case-by-case basis.

If you have a similar request, please see the notes on using my scripts as part of a bundled software package.

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