Matthew Hill


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FromMatthew Hill
SubjectProblem referencing an input field
Date18 March 2004 12:59
I have loaded a 'date picker' user control into a placeholder (which is in
turn in a table cell within a table within an absolute positioned <DIV>
element). Once the date is selected it trys to update the text input field
in the main window but reports it is 'undefined'. However when i look at
the source of my page it is there with the ID that i would expect. I seem
to be able to reference the label preceding the text box!
The javascript being used is 
window.opener.StartDate_txtFromDate.value = '04/03/2004';
Is there any reason why i can't find this element?
Thanks for any help you can give.
Matthew Hill

The relevant section of the web page source is:

<input name="StartDate:txtFromDate" id="StartDate_txtFromDate">
ToMatthew Hill
SubjectRe: Problem referencing an input field
Date17 March 2004 15:16

your problem is that you are using invalid proprietary syntax to access the
contents of the box - the ID should not be a property of the window object
or opener object, it should be accessed using

use the forms collection, and the name, not the ID - this way, it will be
fully cross browser as well.


hope this helps

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromMatthew Hill
SubjectRe: Problem referencing an input field
Date18 March 2004 15:37
Thanks for the prompt reply, i am looking to put your suggestion into
operation but am curious if there is way it can be coded independant of the
form as i would like to be able to insert the user control in many
different pages where it may be in the second or third form on the page?
ToMatthew Hill
SubjectRe: Problem referencing an input field
Date18 March 2004 15:56
give the form a name attribute (name="myform") and use:

this will reference the form by its name, not its index.

you can also use my generic referencing function:
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