Matthew Simpson


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FromMatthew Simpson
SubjectJavaScript to call a function from a popup on a different page
Date14 March 2006 12:03

Fantastic site, I spent a good number of hours reading the material but
could not see a solution to the problem I have.

Basically I have a page with 2 drop down lists. (called A & B)

When dropdown list A is changed, it calls a function which filters list B. 
East enough so far, that works a treat.

However, I also need the same functionality from a popup window.  I.e. a
JavaScript routine on the popup window need to select an item from list A
and then call the routine that filters list B.

I have got the script on the popup window to select the item in list A, but
cannot get it to call the fuuction that filters list B.

I have tried copying the "filter" function onto the popup window page and
preceeding "document." with "window.opener.document." but that has not
worked either.

Any suggestions would be gratefully received.

I cannot provide a link to the page either, as it is an intranet site.

Many thanks

Matt Simpson
ToMatthew Simpson
SubjectRe: JavaScript to call a function from a popup on a different page
Date15 March 2006 22:59

> I have tried copying the "filter" function onto the popup window page
> and preceeding "document." with "window.opener.document." but that
> has not worked either.

Afraid I will need to see the page to work out where the scope is causing
problems. Would you be able to attach minimal pages demonstrating the
problem (the opener and the popup - preferably containing only the parts
that you are having problems with)?

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromMatthew Simpson
SubjectRe: JavaScript to call a function from a popup on a different page
Date16 March 2006 09:34

Thanks for the reply, but I have subsequently discovered that it is a bug
in IE since XP SP2.

I reverted to using DCOM and it all works fine now.

Once again, great site and thanks for the reply

Kind regards

Matthew Simpson
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