Matthew Wimmer


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FromMatthew Wimmer
SubjectCollapsible List Script
Date3 August 2005 20:28

I have found your excellent script for collapsible lists:

I am wondering if you could direct me to where I might modify the ±
character leading the top level list. I would like to remove it or
replace it with an arrow of some kind. Meanwhile I will be reading the
script more carefully to see if you have already provided for that.

Thanks in advance!

Matthew Wimmer
ToMatthew Wimmer
SubjectRe: Collapsible List Script
Date4 August 2005 23:50

> I am wondering if you could direct me to where I might modify the ±
> character

The script allows you to configure what to display. I use the ± HTML
entity to generate the ± character, but you can include anything. To remove
it, use '' where I have used '±'. To use an image, use something
like this:
'<img src="arrow.png" alt="&gt;">'

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromMatthew Wimmer
SubjectRe: Collapsible List Script
Date5 August 2005 01:00
Hey Tarquin-

I knew it was simple, but my eyes go blurry looking at that stuff
sometimes! Thanks for the sweet code and the tip.

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