Michael Lunsford


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FromMichael Lunsford
SubjectPure CSS menus (in IE7, standards mode)
Date8 February 2007 19:13
I must say, your tutorial on pure CSS menus is awesome. I made a few slight
modifications (to make it display horizontally), which may also be
contributing to the IE7 challenge.

What's happening (in IE7 only) is the popup sub-menu appears on :hover (like
it's supposed to), but when mousing down below the second sub-option, the
sub-menu disappears.

My best guess is IE7 is not seeing the nested <ul> as part of the parent
<li>. When the mouse travels outside the parent <li>'s height, the nested
<ul> reverts back to display:none;

here's a link to the menu in isolation:

Hope you can get it, the number of CSS gurus I showed it to are all stumped.

Per your instructions, here is a list of the browsers I tested in:

Macintosh (they all work fine):
IE 5.2

IE6 (doesn't work at all -- but it's not supposed to)
IE7 (kind of works)

Michael Lunsford
ToMichael Lunsford
SubjectRe: Pure CSS menus (in IE7, standards mode)
Date12 February 2007 22:06

> My best guess is IE7 is not seeing the nested <ul> as part of the parent
> <li>. When the mouse travels outside the parent <li>'s height, the nested
> <ul> reverts back to display:none;

I never could get IE to behave with these. It got confused because of the
floats, as well as needing background colours on all elements to make sure
the mouse hover did not fall through to whatever was beneath. As a result, I
never made any horizontal CSS menus that would work, sorry.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
FromMichael Lunsford
SubjectRe: Pure CSS menus (in IE7, standards mode)
Date18 March 2007 17:32
odd, I never received your reply via email -- so I'm replying to the reply
posted on your "recent email" web page.

well, your note about "falling through" was the clue I needed to figured it
out. I just snuggled the elements up to each other using negative margin,
and presto.

<!--[if gt IE 6.9]>
<style type="text/css">
/* don't know how to ask if it's IE7, but this seems to do the trick */
ul.menu ul {
  display: none; position: absolute; top: 2px; left:0; /* changes from
default css, fixes a dramatic right shift for me, but may be irrelevant for
you */
ul.menu ul li {
    margin-top:-3px; /* snuggle the elements up against each other to remove
holes the pointer could "fall through" */

Well, that's it. All browsers are happy now :-)

Thanks for the great site and your help!
ToMichael Lunsford
SubjectRe: Pure CSS menus (in IE7, standards mode)
Date18 March 2007 17:47

> well, your note about "falling through" was the clue I needed to figured
> it out. I just snuggled the elements up to each other using negative
> margin, and presto.

sweet :)

> <!--[if gt IE 6.9]>
> <style type="text/css">
> /* don't know how to ask if it's IE7, but this seems to do the trick */

use gte (greater than or equal to) instead:

<!--[if gte IE 7]>
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