Mike Oliver


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FromMike Oliver
SubjectMake visable when window is wide enough
Date4 August 2005 21:25
I'm having difficulty trying to create an element with my page become visible 
when the window has been resized.
A good example of what I'm trying to create is at
[sample URL]
The layer on the right is only visible when the window is large enough. Most of 
my trouble when doing this is trying to constantly monitor the 
document.body.clientWidth value.
Another approach would be using "document.write" in an "if" function and only 
writing if the window is wide enough, but then how to destroy it when it's not???
IT'S DRIVING ME MAD! If you could help me this would be amazing! I look forward 
to hearing from you soon.
Cheers again
Ps. Website is fantastic. What a source of information.
ToMike Oliver
SubjectRe: Make visable when window is wide enough
Date5 August 2005 00:13

> I'm having difficulty trying to create an element with my page become
> visible when the window has been resized.
> The layer on the right is only visible when the window is large enough.
> Most of my trouble when doing this is trying to constantly monitor the
> document.body.clientWidth value.

Do not just monitor document.body.clientWidth - it is not cross browser.

See http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/tutorials/javascript/browserwindow for more

Anyway, what you are trying to do is very simple. Create the element, give
it an id, and set the display:none; style on it. Then use this script
(configure the ID and width) and it will be made visible when the window is
at least the minimum amount wide:

if( window.onresize ) { window.resizeMonStore = window.onresize; }
window.onresize = function () {
    var theEl = 'mydiv'; //the ID you used
    var minWidth = 900; //the minimum width to show it
    if( document.getElementById ) {
        theEl = document.getElementById(theEl);
    } else if( document.all ) {
        theEl = document.all[theEl];
    } else { return; }
    if( !theEl ) { return; }
    var myWidth = 0, myHeight = 0;
    var de = document.documentElement;
    var db = document.body;
    if( window.innerWidth ) {
        myWidth = window.innerWidth;
    } else if( de && de.clientWidth ) {
        myWidth = de.clientWidth;
        myHeight = de.clientHeight;
    } else if( db && db.clientWidth ) {
        myWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
    theEl.style.display = ( myWidth > minWidth ) ? 'block' : 'none';
    if( window.resizeMonStore ) { window.resizeMonStore(); }
if( window.onload ) { window.loadMonStore = window.onload; }
window.onload = function () {
    if( window.loadMonStore ) { window.loadMonStore(); }

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
FromMike Oliver
SubjectRe: Make visable when window is wide enough
Date5 August 2005 13:16
Wow, that's perfect!

Thanks so much. I'll credit your script when it's published, are there any 
particular credit notes you'd like me to include?

Thanks again

ToMike Oliver
SubjectRe: Make visable when window is wide enough
Date5 August 2005 13:27

> Wow, that's perfect! Thanks so much.

:) no problem - happy you like it

> I'll credit your script when it's published, are there any particular
> credit notes you'd like me to include?

A minor quote from my emails page:
"any scripts I send you by email or any other medium are subject to the same
terms and conditions as any other script on this site."

So normally (for internal/intranet sites) that would mean writing something
like this either at the top of the script, or on a site policy page:

Show-on-resize script provided for free by http://www.howtocreate.co.uk
See http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/jslibs/termsOfUse.html for terms of use

Or for commercial websites:
Show-on-resize script provided for free by http://www.howtocreate.co.uk
Customers are not charged for use of this script
See http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/jslibs/termsOfUse.html for terms of use


FromMike Oliver
SubjectHelp?!?! Parsing/importing data to populate menu
Date24 August 2005 10:37
Attachmentsample HTML to be included in every page
Hi there again.

I've been bugging my friends, forums and colleagues for help with this one, but 
to no avail. It seems you are my only hope.

I have a menu, defined all as <a> tags but uses an external class to build it 
(see attached code for reference). But, it seems if i wish to feature this menu 
on multiple pages, it would be nice (and depending on how many pages, necessary) 
if i could house the <a> tags in an external document, only to be parsed into 
the html on publish. This would enable to only have to edit one file and all of 
my menus will change - minimal effort, maximum outcome.

I dont know if you'd be able to help me with this one or not, but seeing as the 
previous email you sent (and in case you dont remember, it was about the 
dissappearing layer onresize) was perfect, i just have to ask you if you can

Thanks again

I look forward to hearing from you soon

ToMike Oliver
SubjectRe: Help?!?! Parsing/importing data to populate menu
Date24 August 2005 14:32

The easiest thing to do is to use a server side script to include whatever
HTML you want. In php, this is as easy as:

<?php include('menufile.txt'); ?>

Other server side languages like Perl, JSP or ASP will offer similar
functionality. If you are already using .html files, you should be able to
tell the apache web server to process them as PHP files using a .htaccess
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html

Ask your hosting service for more details of what they have available.

I do _not_ recommend using a client side script, since navigation is one of
the vital parts of a web page, and it absolutely must be available even if
script is not (for browsers that do not support the required advanced
scripting, and for search engines).

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