Mike Thornton


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FromMike Thornton
Date15 October 2005 20:01
I'm in a stickier situation more stickier than when sticky the sticking sect
got stuck on a sticky bun!
I found your site and quite frankly it would seem if you don't know the
answer, noone will.....

I will try my best to keep it short and sweet.

I am a videographer trying to expand into video streaming. I am starting to
film properties and then trying to make them run to perfection on the net.

This at the moment is going ok.....BUT

When I make a short video, I compress (windows media player) it and put it
on the internet. I will send the link of the video to an estate agents
website where someone attaches it to a button. When this button is pressed,
a popup pops up, and the embedded video starts to play.
BUT at the moment there is no popup on the Agents website (there is on
mine). It simply opens a new page with the video in.
I could give the estate agents the parameters of my video popup BUT these
parameters change all the time! And getting them to make any changes at all
is a near impossibility.

The perfect result would be if they added the video link to their button on
their web page and then when it was pressed, the embedded video pops up.
With the popup parameters set my end, the video then fits perfectly in it's
popup and any changes I make to the parameters in the future, I can make
I found on your website the ability to 'Auto resize' popups. Although I have
never touched Java before, and only a little HTML, I am trying to decipher
it.. :) Is it possible to set the resize
Of the popups on the popup, rather than the link? and does this work with
embedded video popups or just images?

Cheers, thanks a million for any advice, I am at a lose end with this and
would appreciate anything.
For an example of  the videos etc they are here.. click on the photos
ToMike Thornton
SubjectRe: popup'tastic
Date18 October 2005 12:39

> The perfect result would be if they added the video link to their
> button on their web page and then when it was pressed, the embedded
> video pops up. With the popup parameters set my end, the video then
> fits perfectly in it's popup and any changes I make to the parameters
> in the future, I can make myself!...J

Assuming that they link to a page on your site, and not directly to the
video, you can use the part of my script called "Resizing the inside of the
current window" (note, you will also need the getRefToDivMod function from
the part above it).

If they link directly to the video, there is nothing you can do.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
FromMike Thornton
Date15 November 2006 18:49
Hi there Tarquin!
  I spoke to you briefly about a year ago!! But I think your sites changed a
bit and can't find the info that you advised me. I was stuck and I no if you
can't help, noone can. It's was regarding the ability to auto resize a popup
that contains an embedded windows media player and is clicked on from estate
agents websites.
  i.e. a user clicks a button called 'play property video' on an estate
agents website. A browser opens and auto resizes the browser to fit the
embedded media player and its contence (as it's not just and embeded windows
media player).
  I've now got to the point where I'd like to include it...but don't know
what Javascipt i should use or how to do it best. can you help?
  Would really appreciate any advice, Thanks loads and loads in advance.
ToMike Thornton
SubjectRe: popup'tastic
Date4 November 2006 19:45

Step 1. Put the entire popup content inside a positioned element.

<title>Media player popup</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
  <!-- the script goes here -->
<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:400px;" id="container">
  <!-- media player and other contents go in here -->

Step 2. Getting the right script.
From the section called 'The finished product', copy the script function
called 'getRefToDivMod'.
From the section called 'Resizing the inside of the current window', copy
the function called 'resizeWinTo'.
Add this at the end of the script:
window.onload = function () {
FromMike Thornton
Date5 November 2006 17:33
Thanks absolutly loads!
  This sounds great.....I will send you a link to the '[brand]' I'm
creating when it's finished...
  Thanks again Tarquin
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