Mindy Midcap


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Email conversation

FromMindy Midcap
SubjectHiding Email Addresses
Date3 January 2007 19:20
Dear Tarquin,
I hope this message finds you well in the New Year. A colleague of mine
sent me a link to your page
http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/jslibs/otherdemo.html. I am very impressed
with your willingness to help others in the Web community. With that
said, I *thought* you needed some help as far as SPAM goes. I was going
to send you a link to [PHP script producing HTML entities] (I'm not
affiliated with this site), but then I looked at the code for your
Contact Me page and noticed that you already discussed your email
address. Very cleaver and simple. I'll suggest it to my developers in
lieu of [PHP script]. Thanks! (I hope all of
your emails are this easy.)

[Ed. I have documented this in the JavaScript tutorial]

Fair thee well!

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