Mr X


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FromMr X
SubjectTesting More browsers- BeOS
Date15 May 2005 20:39
Hello Mark,

I noticed that you have a Supplementary results section on the browser speed
test page. Could you possibly be so kind as to test NetPositve for  BeOS,
and if you could, firefox 1.0 ? If you do not have access to BeOS, could I
be obliged to perform the tests for you, and then report them to you to be
posted on the Supplementary results.

Mr X
ToMr X
SubjectRe: Testing More browsers- BeOS
Date16 May 2005 00:45
> Could you possibly be so kind as to test NetPositve for BeOS, and if you
> could, firefox 1.0 ?

Unfortunately, no. I do not have a BeOS install, or enough space for a
partition that I could install it on. Additionally, I am currently stuck on
a low bandwidth connection, without access to my test server, so any further
testing will have to wait until I have access to those again.

> could I be obliged to perform the tests for you, and then report them to
> you to be posted on the Supplementary results.

Again, this would not be possible.
In order to perform the tests, you would need to have a computer that
exactly matched my configuration; the exact same processor, RAM, graphics,
Internet connection, and maybe a few other things such as disk access speed.
Additionally, you would need to have access to my local server on my home
network, and the source of my PHP tests files.

If I manage to get hold of BeOS, and I can find some space to install it, I
will test the browsers when I am back home, but don't hold your breath.

If you want to find out the results for yourself, test Firefox on
Windows/Linux and on BeOS - on the same computer - this will then give you
the scaling factor between the operating systems. Then test NetPositive on
BeOS, and you can then extrapolate the result to compare the speed against
the other browsers on the other systems. Without a local version of my
server and hardware, these results will not be good enough to publish, but
they will give you the comparison you want.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
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