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Subjectmarquee issue
Date15 March 2008 06:11
hi im looking to marquee


on my site
[Stupid MySpace URL that doesn't work because I do not have (or want to
have) an account]

press f11 to view images at bottom which i want to marquee ,

but i m not sure how to setup the script to place between the marquee tags

upon viewing my source code,
the code which seems to control/correspond to those images
1.<div class="photo_image">  or  class="photo_image"

2. table img

3. <div class="photo_index_item">

can you format the script i need to place between marquee tags so that 
this div/ table image scrolls/marquee's

SubjectRe: marquee issue
Date15 March 2008 21:41
> but i m not sure how to setup the script to place between the marquee
> tags

I think you will find that your host does not allow you to use scripts
(they are a pathetic host [in terms of the content they generate]; the code
and style they generate is the worst I have ever seen on the Web, and that
is saying a lot). If they do allow scripts, then I have written a marquee
script here:
If that does not suit your needs then I am afraid you are on your own.
Marquees are terrible for usability, so they are not something I wish to
put any more work into.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
SubjectRe: marquee issue
Date15 March 2008 23:43
when i use the word script
i mean

so can i not marquee a div or div content?

the images are in a div
table img.
SubjectRe: marquee issue
Date16 March 2008 10:03
> so can i not marquee a div or div content?

CSS 3 has some marquee styles:

To my knowledge, no browsers support this yet. WCSS (CSS for WAP) has some
equivalent styles that Opera supports, and they can be applied to a div in
regular HTML:

div {
  display: -wap-marquee;
  -wap-marquee-dir: rtl;
  -wap-marquee-loop: 10;
  -wap-marquee-style: scroll;

But that's not going to be very helpful to you since it will only work in
Opera and various WAP browsers.
SubjectRe: marquee issue
Date16 March 2008 16:11
okay but
visit [URL]

i marqueed images on that site
without hassle

but on my other you viewed

those images at bottom are in a image table
and/or div.

the css which controls them is

<div class="photo_image">




table img

it seems this would be all i need to create the appropriate ccs code
to be placed between marquee tags

or can only text & images be marquee'd
SubjectRe: marquee issue
Date16 March 2008 17:17
> i marqueed images on that site without hassle

That is not done with CSS or script, or DIV or TABLE tags.
It is done using <marquee> tags. These are not part of any standard and are
a non-standard, invalid, browser specific extension to HTML. I do not
promote or recommend their use.

Using CSS is only possible in one browser. The recommended approach that
works in all browsers (using script) is not allowed by your host, so they
are the ones limiting the possibilities. If you have further questions about
how to get marquee effects on your site, please contact your hosting
service, and ask what they suggest you use.
SubjectRe: marquee issue
Date16 March 2008 21:31
you do not read entire messages

"i marqueed images on that site
without hassle"

point of above statement...so you know, i understand how to how to marquee

i never said marquee's are done with

CSS or script, or DIV or TABLE tags

what i said was

the css/code which controls the table img/div that i want marquee'd is

<div class="photo_image">




table img.

You have NOT answer any questions

Q:can only text & images be marquee'd?

Q:can i not marquee a div or div content?

instead you respond with

That is not done with CSS or script, or DIV or TABLE tags.
(off topic! who said that it was?)

It is done using <marquee> tags. These are not part of any standard and
are a non-standard, invalid, browser specific extension to HTML.
(your kidding!)

I do
not promote or recommend their use
Using CSS is only possible in one browser. The recommended approach that
works in all browsers (using script) is not allowed by your host, so
they are the ones limiting the possibilities.

the main browser is IE and their are different CCS contructs for usability
in more than one browser

If you have further
questions about how to get marquee effects on your site, please contact
your hosting service, and ask what they suggest you use.

dude my questions were never how to get marquee effects on my site.
(marquee codes/tags are rudimentary)

Questions were how structure the ccs code to marquee what it was i wanted
or if what i wanted marqueed could even be marquee' d

it appears you did not look at the site in question
nor did you understand the questions
SubjectRe: marquee issue
Date17 March 2008 08:44
> i never said marquee's are done with

Unfortunately, your sentences made very little sense (especially when
combined with your bizarre formatting), so I was doing my best to understand
your request. Apparently I misunderstood some of it.

> Q:can only text & images be marquee'd?
> Q:can i not marquee a div or div content?

A script can marquee anything it wants depending on how it is written, but
only if the script is actually permitted on a site. CSS can in theory do the
same, but that CSS module is incomplete, and exactly what it can marquee
will depend on  the implementation.

As for your <marquee> tags, since they are invalid and browser specific, how
they work would depend on which browser you are talking about. Since they
are invalid, I do not devote any time at all to learning the ins and outs of
their behaviours in any browser. You could always make some simple little
tests for yourself and work out the answer.

Finally, you asked how to put CSS inside a marquee. According to the HTML
specification, CSS can only go inside the page HEAD. Putting it anywhere
else means you rely on the browser to guess what you meant it to do. Exactly
how it responds (whether it even works at all or not) will depend on the
browser. The only suggestion I can make is to put it where it belongs; in
the HEAD:

> instead you respond with

Strangely, I know what I responded with. Perhaps you misunderstood my
responses. I hope this email, particularly the last line of it, clears that

> the main browser is IE and their are different CCS contructs for usability
> in more than one browser

Clearly with your dismissal of the responses of Mozilla/Firefox, Safari,
Konqueror and various others, your approach and attitude towards Web
development does not fit in with the approaches I take to it. I disapprove
very strongly of any approach that ignores browsers, and I am certainly not
going to go out of my way to help you use something that does not work in
those. If you had read any of my pages, you would know that.

Please direct any further questions or comments to your hosting
This site was created by Mark "Tarquin" Wilton-Jones.
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