Nathan McLaughlin


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FromNathan McLaughlin
SubjectImporting Data into an XML file via submit form.
Date15 August 2005 01:48

I have setup a scheduling calendar in flash using a XML file to store the
event data.
Onclick the date chosen displays a window with times that are reserved or
I can update and change the XML file easily but my problem lies in creating
a form to not only make the data input easier but allow for users not
familiar with XML to update the XML file via a submit form.

I have created a flash MX 2004 .swf file to represent my calendar and it is
set up retreive the data stored in the xml file so all i need to do setup a
form that updates the XML file.

I was hoping you had a tutorial or could point me in the right direction for
either software that is already written and available or with instructions
on creating a submit form for my own purposes.

I have looked in many different places and have yet to find a resource on
this topic.... Altho I am fairly new and this and prolly just don't know
where to look.

Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
If needed I can send you the XML file and SWF file so you see how I have it

Thanks in advance,
Nathan McLaughlin
ToNathan McLaughlin
SubjectRe: Importing Data into an XML file via submit form.
Date15 August 2005 19:19

> I was hoping you had a tutorial or could point me in the right
> direction for either software that is already written and available
> or with instructions on creating a submit form for my own purposes.

Well, the best possible solution would be to use an existing system, such as
Novell Groupwise, Lotus Notes, an iCal compliant system or in extreme
desperation (and if you have unlimited funds to spend on virus cleanup), an
Outlook/Exchange system. GroupWise can even use iCal or SOAP to allow
programs like your flash application to interface with it.

Back in the real world, you need a simple system that you can use to let
other people manage your XML file. The easy way to do this is to write your
own server side application using PHP (or use PHPMyAdmin as below), with the
data stored in a MySQL database.

You can use the PHP to query the database, and generate the XML file on the
fly. Your flash application wouldn't even need to know that PHP and MySQL
were being used. There is an existing system called PHPMyAdmin that allows
you to easily add and remove entries from the database using simple HTML
forms, and I think you can also add extra user accounts with limited
privileges so you can let other people manage it.

See the PHPMyAdmin site for more details:

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromNathan McLaughlin
SubjectRe: Importing Data into an XML file via submit form.
Date15 August 2005 20:01
This information was extremely helpful and I appreciate your quick response.

Thanks again and best wishes,
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