Nick Fagerlund


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FromNick Fagerlund
SubjectMozilla faster than Firefox (from speed tests)
Date16 February 2005 19:58
'Surprisingly, Mozilla is now faster at most tasks than Firefox.'

Not surprisingly, really. The release version of Firefox uses the Gecko
code from Mozilla 1.7, and the 1.8 Gecko supposedly has a TON of speed and
footprint improvements. If you were to compare a current trunk version of
Firefox to Mozilla 1.8, you'd probably get a similar response time. (Trunk
versions of FF are kind of breaky though, since they're still trying to
hunt down all the insanity from the Aviary landing. Well, I wouldn't
actually know personally; I've just been using 1.0 'cause I'm scared of all
the huge bugs that the Burning Edge keeps listing. =\)

I guess I'll still be around, when they burn burn it down.
Nick Fagerlund
ToNick Fagerlund
SubjectRe: Mozilla faster than Firefox (from speed tests)
Date16 February 2005 21:17

yup, I am aware of the changes in the 1.8 Gecko that make it faster. That
was not my point. My point was that Firefox was made because Mozilla was
supposedly getting slower and more bloated, and yet somehow, even with all
the excellent extra features, and larger package, it manages to be faster
than the streamlined, slimmed-down, basic browser that is supposed to be
the faster version. I am well aware of why Mozilla is faster, I just find
it funny.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromNick Fagerlund
SubjectMozilla faster than Firefox (from speed tests)
Date16 February 2005 21:34
Oh, whoops! Sh*t, my bad. Now I look like some kinda tool. Actually, maybe
I am; it's kind of a gimme that a guy who runs a site about web design
probably knows more about browsers than me. *shrug*

Hrmm, at any rate. I've got high hopes for 1.1 with the new Gecko goin' on.
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