Nick Wedd


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FromNick Wedd
Subjectyour Nested list collapsing script - NOT a problem
Date30 April 2009 15:56
Dear Tarquin,

I have been happily using your "nested list collapsing script" for years, at
[URL] - thank you for providing this script.

Yesterday I installed the new Internet Explorer version 8, and found that
the page did not work in it.  I eventually found that the problem was caused
by an unpaired tag in my own nested lists, which all other browsers
including IE7 had overlooked.

I mention this in case other users complain about this script not working
with IE8 - they may well have the same problem of unpaired tags on their own

ToNick Wedd
SubjectRe: your Nested list collapsing script - NOT a problem
Date3 May 2009 08:44

> I eventually found that the problem was caused by an unpaired tag in my
> own nested lists

Thanks for the info.

Indeed, it seems IE 8 responds differently to certain misnested tags,
including (which seems to be the case with your list) opening inline
elements like links inside a list item, then not closing them again. The
resulting DOM is more broken than it is in other browsers.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
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