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SubjectResizing a table acording to sreen resolution.
Date29 September 2003 01:10
I know when you read the subject the answer pops out very easiely. But my
problem is a table with images inside.
The images won't scale when I try to enforce the table width.
It is importent to me to keep the images in their original size (when
ofcourse optimized to every res').
To make it short- I'm trying to keep the table in the same proprtions to
the window in every resolution (or at least 1024*768 - 800*600).
If you may help it would be very much welcome.
Hope you can find a simple solution (that I'll understand :).
Thanx in advance.
SubjectRe: Resizing a table acording to sreen resolution.
Date29 September 2003 09:38
The easiest way to set the table width is to use percentages:
<table ... width="75%">

This sets the width as a percentage of the parent element (in this case,
the window frame), and works with all resolutions.

The table will not get smaller than the title image, as it is the widest
item on the page, and it is a single image and cannot be wrapped onto more
than one line.

Table height can not be set this way.

Is this what you needed, or have I misunderstood your question?

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
SubjectMy popup menu
Date1 October 2003 23:36
First I want to thank you for the quick reply on my previous question.
Since then I been working nights as days to modify the menu and added
a popup menu.
My problem, If you may help, is that it pops not where I desire which will
be ofcourse on top of everything.
Please go to http://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/  and I promise you'll see the spoken
problem right away.
Thanx in advance.
         Looking forward for your reply.
SubjectRe: My popup menu
Date2 October 2003 09:16
The problem is that you are in a frameset. Layers like the popup menu can
only exist in one frame at a time. If you want to make it popup in a
different frame, you will need to put the HTML for the menu in the target
frame, and in the start frame you will need to use:

At the moment, you have some problems:
  You  use:
     position:absolute; visibility:hide;
  in Netscape. This is unneccessary, Netscape will also understand
    position:absolute; visibility:hidden;
  You do not need to use JavaScript to create the styles, just use

<style type="text/css"><!--
#in1, #in2, #in3, #in4, #in5 {position:absolute; visibility:hidden; }

Then in the toggle function, you do not support Netscape 6, Opera 6,
Mozilla, Safari or Konqueror. You should also not use browser detects if
you can avoid them. Try this instead:

function toggle(name) {
  var mW = window.frames['nameOfFrame'].document;
  //use 'var mW = document;' for the same frame
  if( mW.layers ) {
    mW.layers[flag].visibility = 'hide';
    mW.layers[flag].visibility = 'show';
  } else if( mW.getElementById ) {
    mW.getElementById(flag).style.visibility = 'hidden';
    mW.getElementById(flag).style.visibility = 'vidible';
  } else if( mW.all ) {
    mW.all[flag].style.visibility = 'hidden';
    mW.all[flag].style.visibility = 'visible';

function hideAll () { 
  var mW = window.frames['nameOfFrame'].document;
  //use 'var mW = document;' for the same frame
  if( mW.layers ) {
    mW.layers.in1.visibility = 'hide';
    mW.layers[flag].visibility = 'hide';
  } else if( mW.getElementById ) {
    mW.getElementById('in1').style.visibility = 'hidden';
    mW.getElementById(flag).style.visibility = 'hidden';
  } else if( mW.all ) {
    mW.all.in1.style.visibility = 'hidden';
    mW.all[flag].style.visibility = 'hidden';
SubjectSharring a script
Date5 October 2003 21:59
I'm a photographer and an amature web designer therefore my site is based
almost comletly on images.
I had a problem to scale my photos in a table to differnt screen resolution
so I wrote the folowing simple yet helpfull, script that I want to share:

<script language="JavaScript">
var X=1024; //the resolution the site is design for
var userX = screen.width;
var prc=X/userX;
<img name="photopage" src="etc.jpg" alt="">
<script language="JavaScript">
var newX=90/prc //new size = original size / "precents"
SubjectRe: My popup menu
Date6 October 2003 09:15
That is a good script - small yet perfectly functional. Excellent idea,
thanks for sharing.

It needs comments for older browsers (not that it matters), and you should
use round, as the number may be (eg) 34.76, and image dimensions should be
an integer, but other than that, cool script.

I noticed in your script that you explicitly set the size of the image, I
assume this is because the image may not have loaded before the script is
run, so I made this generic version from your script, which will work for
an unlimited number of images on the page. It will also work even if you
explicitly set the size of the image, and will also adjust the height as
well. It will not look quite so clean as yours, because it only resizes the
images after they load. It will not work in Netscape 4 (I think yours does),
but as almost no-one uses Netscape 4 anymore, I don't particularly care -
they will just get the default image size:

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
function opSize( oImg ) {
	var X = 1024; //the resolution the site is design for
	var prc = X / screen.width;
	var nowHght = oImg.height; //this may change if not explicitly set
	oImg.width = Math.round( oImg.width / prc );
	oImg.height = Math.round( nowHght / prc );
SubjectSharring a script
Date6 October 2003 12:02
   Thank you for the good comments.
     Means alot to me :)
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