Paul Harragan


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FromPaul Harragan
SubjectPHP help
Date16 January 2009 11:46

Firstly let me say thankyou for open source scripts there are a great help to a 

My query is about your movie database. I have setup it all up and can login to 
the admin section and have created the tables within the database.

My issue occurs when i try to add anything, i get 404 errors (object not found).

Any advice on where im going wrong would be greatly appreciated.

ToPaul Harragan
SubjectRe: PHP help
Date18 January 2009 09:12

> My issue occurs when i try to add anything, i get 404 errors (object
> not found).

Sounds like your server is not respecting the .htaccess file, or does
not support mod_rewrite (both are essential). It needs to have
mod_rewrite enabled, and "AllowOverride All" set in httpd.conf

Please refer to the Apache docs for how to enable mod_rewrite.

Note that you will also need mod_auth_basic and mod_authn_file enabled
if you plan on keeping image directories protected. I really should add
this info into the docs...

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
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