Per V


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FromPer V
SubjectDragable table cell enhancement
Date11 December 2005 00:17

I was searching the www for a JS that allows me to drag and drop table rows,
but I've only found a bunch of scripts that allows me to reorder table
cells. Actually I found one script that allows me to reorder table rows,
but this "forces" me to use buttons...

Then I found your site were I saw that you helped Bryan Harris with a
script that allows you to drag and drop table cells. Then I saw that I
could e-mail you if I my question haden't got answerd, so now I'm doing it

So if you got any spare time and nothing better to do, it would be awsome if
you could fix a JS that allows me to reorder table rows. I've found a few
scripts regarding DnD but this requiers a bunch of divs, and I want to use

Any way, awsome site you got! Have a nice weekend!


ToPer V
SubjectRe: Dragable table cell enhancement
Date19 December 2005 16:42

> So if you got any spare time and nothing better to do, it would be awsome
> if you could fix a JS that allows me to reorder table rows. I've found a few
> scripts regarding DnD but this requiers a bunch of divs, and I want to use
> tables.

Sorry for the delayed response, been snowed under, and not had a network
connection at home for a while.

I have updated the script to provide the option to sort as you wanted:

Hope it's not too late :(

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
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