Petro Williamson


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FromPetro Williamson
SubjectThanks for HowToCreate!
Date20 May 2004 12:31
Excellent excellent excellent!  Thank you a million times over.  I've just
finished browsing through the HTML Tutorial part of your website and some
of the Javascript Tutorials, and already I've got answers to many of the
questions about JavaScript and HTML that I've had since I started doing
Programming 1 last year.  (I'm doing Programming 1 (distance education),
which teaches HTML and JavaScript, and I realy had a hard time to 'dig
through' the lousy spelling mistake-ridden pdf files that are called our
textbook.  Yeah I know that omitting a simple " in a code is not a spelling
mistake, but you know, it just makes everything SO much easier when you're
a beginner and the examples are correct and you don't need to debug them
with you non-existing experience.)  
Your site is easy to understand, simple, shows exactly what each part does
and I can see that you are quite devoted to produce web sites with good
quality!  Very nice lay-out.  Very nice everything.  You have quite a good
one going here, keep up the good work!  It's just soooo nice to go to, say,
Using cookies, and actually FIND what you're looking for AND understand
that part.  
I'm almost sure I'll be bugging you with a couple of questions before my
exam!  But, on the other hand, your site explains everything so nice...
ToPetro Williamson
SubjectRe: Thanks for HowToCreate!
Date20 May 2004 19:48


I really appreciate receiving emails like this. It is nice to know that I
can provide a service that people find so useful.

I hope you continue to find the information you need, and feel free to
contact me if you need any further help.

Thanks again for your kind words.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromPetro Williamson
SubjectTrouble with
Date24 May 2004 13:44
Hi, this is probably a small thing, but I just can't crack it.  I will also
probably find the answer on the net, but it's difficult to get the correct
search criteria.   Can you please assist me here?  Thanks, your site is
excellent!  (I'm doing Programming 1 by distance education, the subject
covers HTML and JavaScript and a little CSS)

Question from Nov2003 exam: Write a JavaScript funciton that writes the
message 'Welcome to my site.' into ten new Windows on the user's PC. The
function should run automatically whn your index file loads. Give the
complete HTML and JavaScript listing.

[some code that loops 10 times but does not open the windows]
ToPetro Williamson
SubjectRe: Thanks for HowToCreate!
Date24 May 2004 15:59
urgh :)

I hope you never have to do that for real - way to loose friends ...

ok, what you need to do is to open the window, then write its contents.

in this case, you can work out the OPTIONS using:

here's the code you need:

//prepare the HTML for the new window

var newHTML = '<html><head><title>Hello<\/title><\/head><body>'+
 '<h1>Welcome to my site.<\/h1><\/body><\/html>';

//open the window

var x ='','_blank','OPTIONS');

//x is now a reference to the window object
//write the contents of the document object of x as I described on
FromPetro Williamson
SubjectTrouble with
Date24 May 2004 20:31
LOL @ urgh - way to go hey?  Couldn't they just have made it two or
something?  Well the principle stays the same I suppose.  Tx a million for
the speedy reply.  You're good stuff.  I realy appreciate it, my tutor
didn't even reply my yet on LAST week's questions and the exam is close!
Mmm but that's not your concern so let me just keep quiet about that.
Keep up the good work, your site is really really excellent.  I even went
as far as to print out almost everything and binding it, for the times I
can't be online!  Quite a bunch of papers.
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