Richard Harris


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FromRichard Harris
SubjectURL in top level of Nested List Collapsing Script
Date16 February 2005 00:44
Hi Mark
I'm using your excellent script to create dynamically generated 
collapsing menus for my Movable Type-driven site, but have one 
particular wrinkle with the CSS - your example shows the top level list 
items as simple text, whereas all of mine are hrefs generated by MT. 
The problem is that this causes the line to break into two, when your 
javascript generates the expansion link - see attached screen dump. 
I've been scratching my head over this for a while (I'm somewhere on 
the lower slopes of the CSS learning curve), so are you able to suggest 
a fix for this?

Your terms of use are entirely reasonable, btw, and I'll send you a 
link to the site and credits as soon as I'm live!

ToRichard Harris
SubjectRe: URL in top level of Nested List Collapsing Script
Date16 February 2005 8:22

The reson it breaks onto two lines is that my stylesheet uses display:block;
for the links. Block level elements will try to be on their own line. In my
examples, this does not matter, because the link wraps around the entire
heading. because your heading already contains a link, this will be on its
own line.

The only (easy) way to solve this is to remove the display:block; style for
links in the list. You can still use the other styles.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromRichard Harris
SubjectRe: URL in top level of Nested List Collapsing Script
Date18 February 2005 14:49
Hi Mark
Many thanks for your help - that's what I'd thought it was, and had 
been trying to work out a way to keep the block display and not break 
the lines. All sorted now, ta...

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