Right 2 Swim !


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FromRight 2 Swim !
SubjectHi, can you please tell me how to repair the 2 errors below? Regards Rol
Date24 May 2005 13:00
[Output from W3C's HTML validator]
1.. Line 86, column 57: there is no attribute "FRAMESPACING"
  <frameset rows="15%,1*" style="border: 0px" framespacing="1px" frameborder="1px">
2.. Line 86, column 76: there is no attribute "FRAMEBORDER"
  ...er: 0px" framespacing="1px" frameborder="1px">

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN"
<TITLE>11AA Songwriter Collaborator Available</TITLE>
<META name= "Description" CONTENT= "Songwriting Collaboration Offered And Wanted">
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<p class=MsoNormal>Music - Songs - Songwriting Collaboration Offered And Wanted </p>
ToRight 2 Swim !
SubjectRe: Hi, can you please tell me how to repair the 2 errors below? Regards Rol
Date24 May 2005 13:16

>   1.. Line 86, column 57: there is no attribute "FRAMESPACING"
>   2.. Line 86, column 76: there is no attribute "FRAMEBORDER"

It is telling you that  you are using two invalid attributes in your frameset tag.
Replace this line:
<frameset rows="15%,1*" style="border: 0px" framespacing="1px" frameborder="1px">
with this:
<frameset rows="15%,*" style="border: 0px">

> <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>

generating pages with Microsoft office is bad for your health ;)

[Ed. In case you think I am joking, take a look at the next email for an
example of the garbage that MSOffice produces - seriously! Never, EVER use
that piece of **** to generate Web pages]

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
FromRight 2 Swim !
SubjectRe: Hi, thanks for helping + sorry 4being a pain. Your fix worked.Now I found 3 more errors on another page ? Regards Rol
Date24 May 2005 18:32
[Output from W3C's HTML validator]
1.. Line 3, column 14: there is no attribute "xmlns:v"
  <html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o=
2.. Line 4, column 0: there is no attribute "xmlns:o"
  "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w=
3.. Line 5, column 0: there is no attribute "xmlns:w"
  "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns=

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  v-text-spacing:78650f;v-text-kern:t;v-same-letter-heights:t' trim="t" 
  fitpath="t" string="Ripe Melons"/> 
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  method="none" focus="100%" type="gradient"/> 
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 <v:textpath style='font-family:"Figaro MT";font-size:18pt;v-text-kern:t' 
  trim="t" fitpath="t" string="Songs 4 Saints &amp; Sinners"/> 
<p class="MsoNormal" align="center" style=

[Ed. Still confused? This unbelievable load of crap writes just this short
"Ripe Mellons   Songs 4 Saints & Sinners"
using multicoloured proprietary vector graphics.]
ToRight 2 Swim !
SubjectRe: Hi, thanks for helping + sorry 4being a pain. Your fix worked.Now I found 3 more errors on another page ? Regards Rol
Date25 May 2005 10:58

>   <html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o=

Oh dear. What can I say. This page sucks. Big time, really ugly sucks. The
entire content is generated using VML - an absolutely _terrible_ way to
generate a page. Totally inaccessible, and impossible to use in anything
except Internet Explorer. Throw it away.

VML is only supported by IE, and has never been released as a public
standard (the submission to the W3C was not accepted as a standard).

I suggest using normal HTML, and not this ridiculous excuse for a web page.

FromRight 2 Swim !
SubjectRe: Hi, thanks for helping + sorry 4being a pain. Your fix worked.Now I found 3 more errors on another page ? Regards Rol
Date25 May 2005 11:04
Sorry, I had absolutely no idea that it sucks.
I used the ms word editor. This page is the top frame for the site, holding
just a couple of logos, so that's what came out of the editor.
Regards Rol
This site was created by Mark "Tarquin" Wilton-Jones.
Don't click this link unless you want to be banned from our site.