Robert Coogan


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FromRobert Coogan
SubjectMac Hardware for Browser Speed Tests
Date22 December 2005 21:09
I really enjoyed your article on browser speed tests (it had been featured
on a website called Mac360:
[URL]).  But if it is possible to do the tests for Mac browsers on
a better PC please do so - I don't know of anybody who has  400 MHz in their
Mac, and the RAM is pitiful (an issue Apple has only partially addressed as
of late).

Thank you -

Robert Coogan
ToRobert Coogan
SubjectRe: Mac Hardware for Browser Speed Tests
Date22 December 2005 21:24

> But if it is possible to do the tests for Mac browsers on a better PC
> please do so

I only own this mac. The browsers themselves do not change though, no matter
what hardware I use. If one works better on better hardware, chances are
that the others would too. The numbers may not match the numbers you get on
faster machines, but the browsers performance in relation to each other is
not likely to change too drastically.

I have previously had the chance to test on a twin 2.5 GHz G5, and
comparatively, it confirmed my general findings.

If you want to do your own tests on a faster machine, you are of course
welcome to do so.

> - I don't know of anybody who has  400 MHz in their Mac,

I do.

But There is more to it than having exactly what everyone has. By using a
400 MHz, I can do an almost direct 1-1 comparison with my windows and linux
machine, which has twice the processor speed (the G4/G5 chips are supposed
to be twice as efficient as the same speed PC chips, due to - amongst other
things - their Harvard architecture) and the same amount of RAM.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
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