Roger Kovack


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FromRoger Kovack
SubjectUsing XSLT in hidden iframe to format XML and place into a main frame DIV
Date24 October 2004 05:54

Very informative site. I really appreciate your work.

I've been using hidden iframes to load 'pages' from the server, then
display them in a div which is then made visible. Both the iframe and the
div are loaded in the main page. On some click event the iframe src
attribute is set to the desired content URL. That content contains an
onLoad attribute on the body tag which fires the function that copies the
innerHTML from the iframe into the innerHTML of the display div. This all
works great, has lots of control and none of the hassles of displaying the
iframe directly.

In brief, this div shows a left scrolling list of subjects. By clicking on
a subject the main content area of the div is populated with some of the
other data, really mark-up, that is also a part of the iframe content. So
the div that is bound to the hidden iframe is a mini application in itself.

Then development continues and I find that the content size has grown to
close to 200Kbyte. That's a really long download time on an analog modem.
Since I use server side XSL:T to generate the web pages, I modified my
stylesheet and found that the real data stipped of all the markup is about
16Kbyte, less than 10% of the full markup. So it's clear that most of the
weight of the page is markup and even worse than that, repeated data.

I next modified the original XSLT stylesheet again to just add the markup
to the raw XML data and have that run on the browser. The result is almost
great. The download time has dropped by 90%. And the code was (almost)

// get a reference to the hidden iframe
edSrc = document.getElementById('ttedsrc');
// and get the desired XML from the server, using relative URI
edSrc.src = '../viewer.xml?_xslv=xsl/wf/tt-edit-xmlsrc.xsl&wfmd=tsk&wiid=' + wiid ;

// later on when the onLoad event fires, move the content to the display div
function ttEditSrc(doc){
  // doc is the document passed by the onLoad event as ttEditSrc(document)
  //edDiv is the displayable div
  edDiv = document.getElementById('ttedit');
  edDiv.innerHTML = doc.body.innerHTML; = 'visible';

So amazingly this all works great in FireFox. IE sort of shows the content
but doesn't quite get it right. Only part of it appears to be transformed.
Do you think there is any relatively painless way of making IE do this

I looked at the script to use XMLHttpRequest and that responded with the
XML but never did the transform. The XML data starts off with
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/builder/docs/xsl/tt-edit-client.xsl"?>

Looks like a major piece of code to fire off the transform engine by script.
The iframe just does it automatically.

Is there an easy fix? Or a pointer to a complete sample to do this in
script? I suppose if I wanted an easy fix I wouldn't be in this business to
start with. But sometimes coding an enormous module doesn't make sense for
the benefit.

Thanks for your time and consideration,

Roger Kovack
ToRoger Kovack
SubjectRe: Using XSLT in hidden iframe to format XML and place into a main frame DIV
Date24 October 2004 17:57

Well, personally, I never use client side XSLT, for two reasons.
1. IE and Mozilla/FireFox are not the only browsers.
2. It has _really_ lousy accessibility support.

Point 1 is very close to my heart because I am an Opera user, and I only
use IE or FireFox if I am doing web development work. Also, Safari and IE 5
Mac (the two main browsers for Mac), and Konqueror (the default browser for
most Linux installs) do not support it either, as well as most other
alternative browsers.

Point 2 is also quite important, because if a browser does not support it,
it will see absolutely nothing useful at all. This includes browsers for
visually impaired etc. I know that is many cases this is unavoidable, but
Opera is a very useful browser for disabled users (the latest version even
has voice controls), so I like to make sure that anything I write will work
in Opera as well.

You said that you tried to use XMLHttpRequest, but the XSLT was ignored.
Correct, it will be. XMLHttpRequest just asks for the raw page XML, not the
other information. However, what you would then do is to use DOM scripting
to interpret that data and convert it into HTML - similar to XSLT, but
instead of having it in a transformation language, you write the
transformatrion algorithm yourself. Sounds a lot harder than it is, and I
have already produced an article with associated header file that
demonstrates this sort of transformation on RSS feeds, and manages to work
in a large number of extra browsers:

Alternatively, you could still use the iframe, but instead of importing the
entire new HTML, convert your XML into JavaScript arrays, and use much more
simple scripting to convert that into HTML. None of these will be as
accessible as plain HTML, but this technique will offer the highest level
of browser support:

Hope you find something useful in that.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromRoger Kovack
SubjectRe: Using XSLT in hidden iframe to format XML and place into a main frame DIV
Date25 October 2004 01:23
Thanks for your thoughtful response, Mark.

I think I'm going to be stuck with two versions for the time being. I'll 
try browser sniffing and just use this technique on Firefox while 
sending HTML to everything else.

This part of the application is only available to client's employees, 
not the general public. If they want the performance they either use 
Firefox or get a high speed connection. But neither is necessarily easy 
for the user. This could be used at an employee's home or unknown remote 
location, not necessarily a well equiped office. What's more, the 
burglary problem is enormous at the remote locations so leaving a 
computer there in a locked office isn't wise. This will lead to a 
somewhat unpredictable computer population that will be using the 
application. So installing FireFox may be an impractical thing to do.

Yes, web applications in a hostile environment.

Thanks for your tips and great explanations!

Roger Kovack
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