Russell Diehl


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FromRussell Diehl
ToMe problem with frontpage
Date12 April 2006 21:03
Great site, thanks for the css pure menuing example.

When I preview my code--having implemented the Pure CSS Menu example you
provide--using frontpage, I get the following error:

"Access is denied to: file///{path to file}/".

The error does not appear, however, when I load the index.html and
files (see [URL]) to the my
web server.  Also, my sub menu appears underneath the main menu.  Any ideas
on these two issues?

-Russell D.
ToRussell Diehl
SubjectRe: problem with frontpage
Date13 April 2006 17:10

> "Access is denied to: file///{path to file}/".

Sounds like IE's "security" protection. I disable this useless feature;
tools - internet options - advanced - allow active content to run in files
on my computer.

> Also, my sub menu appears underneath the main menu.

I am guessing you have solved this problem, because I do not see it on your

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromRussell Diehl
SubjectRe: problem with frontpage
Date13 April 2006 18:44
thanks for your quick reply.

I worked down each css line, one at a time, until I finally found the
problem.  I had set a background color in the "ul.makeMenu li a" tag which
gave the menu the appearance of placing the secondary menu underneath the
primary menu.

I'm using IE version 6.0.28 and I do not see the "allow active content to
run in files" option listed in the Internet Options-->advanced section.
Perhaps I need to upgrade or I'm totally missing something?

ToRussell Diehl
SubjectRe: problem with frontpage
Date13 April 2006 19:39

> I'm using IE version 6.0.28 and I do not see the "allow active content to
> run in files" option listed in the Internet Options-->advanced section.

It only appears in IE 6 on Windows XP SP 2 (where scripting is disabled by
default for file:// URLs).

If you are getting that error on earlier versions, then I am really at a
loss to explain it I am afraid. Except that IE is an unpredictable and
problematic browser - but that does not help you locate the cause.
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