Ryan Adams


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FromRyan Adams
SubjectQuestion concerning Frontpage & Access integration
Date29 September 2005 23:40
Hi my name is Ryan. I have a few simple websites that I have designed and
currently host and maintain.

I have recently implemented an inventory database for one website,
[URL], using Frontpage and Access. The integration isn't
perfect, but it works. There are some things I cannot accomplish that I
think should be possible.

The database holds vehicles for sale and the inventory.asp page displays
formatted database results. So far the only thing missing is a picture
object for viewers to see. Access will hold bitmaps, but so far Frontpage
will not display those bitmaps on the asp page. Is there a special way to
call up a picture inside an Access database and have it show on a Frontpage
database results page?

I also have a dealer login page where my client can add vehicles to the
database. I use a Frontpage form on an asp page that links to the database.
This part works great but I'd love for him to be able to upload his own
pictures (to the database, or link to an entry in the database) as well.
This cannot be done on an asp page per Frontpage's restrictions. If there is
a solution for the other problem it will probably apply to this problem as

My other thought is getting software that will do these things for me but
with all the different types and formats I'm not sure what will suit my
needs. Any suggestions you have will be greatly appreciated.

Ryan Adams
ToRyan Adams
SubjectRe: Question concerning Frontpage & Access integration
Date30 September 2005 00:08

> I have recently implemented an inventory database for one website,
> [URL], using Frontpage and Access. The integration
> isn't perfect, but it works. There are some things I cannot
> accomplish that I think should be possible.

Sorry, I do not know ASP, but all I can say is that Frontpage is a curse
upon the Web. Most developers recommend using Dreamweaver.

Anyway, as for your problem, yes, I am sure there is a way. But I despise
Frontpage (as you might have guessed) so I have never tried to do what you
are asking, and I do not know how to achieve your goal.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
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