Scott Greenberg


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FromScott Greenberg
SubjectThank you for collapsibleList.js and a suggestion
Date24 June 2004 17:33
I have create http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxx/
[product name] is a dynamic object browser that allows you to browse
through all available folders, files, sections, and objects in your php
application and see their classes, properties, methods and constants
that are available.  The objects are listed in a treeview and uses
JavaScript to control the treeview.  I used methods obtained from
collapsibleList.js to toggle show/hide properties of each node.  Thank
you for this simple method that provides a rich UI.
When I first started work on [product name] it used collapsibleList.js.
There was a need to allow for each node to have a custom image.  I made
the follow changes to allow this.
myList.SUB_REF = new sub('String: HTML
content'[,bool:expandByDefault][,String:custom images, same format as
<img src="' + (listObject.sub[x].expdImg[2] != null ?
listObject.sub[x].expdImg[2] : oBase.expdImg[2])
I am not using collapsibleList.js because I have derived a method using
php to create the html source of the treeview.  I found this was ideal
for performance issues. 
Scott Greenberg
Having taken a look at what the new script outputs, I quickly realised that my script could almost certainly have done this by including the image code in the branch HTML content - very easily as it happens ;) Ah well, win some, lose some.
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