Sean Harrison


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Email conversation

FromSean Harrison
SubjectProblems with IE5.5/6 PNG Transparency on table background images
Date21 November 2006 13:13
Hi Mark,

I read your page on IE5.5/6 with Transparent PNG Images. And i have hit a
problem,  I want to be able to have transparent images on a table background
image. But cant seem to figure out how to do it.  If you have a look at My
Website [URL] in Firefox then compare it to
IE5.5/6 you'll see the problem that is accruing.  I Tried using the code
from your page, and setting the ID of the table to match the CSS but that
didn't work. i'm pretty new to using CSS, And also haven't coded a web pages
in a few years. so I've lost my head for fault finding.


Sean Harrison
ToSean Harrison
SubjectRe: Problems with IE5.5/6 PNG Transparency on table background images
Date22 November 2006 01:45

> I want to be able to have transparent images on a table background image.

This fix is deprecated. I no longer support the hack to make alpha
transparency work in IE 6. I recommend that you do not attempt to fix IE 6.
Users should upgrade to IE 7, or use a browser that has not been abandoned
on their OS.

> If you have a look at My Website in Firefox

Please give test results for Opera in any future requests for help.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromSean Harrison
SubjectI've added you as a friend on [stupid site]...
Date11 July 2007 14:42
I've requested to add you as a friend on [stupid site]. You can use [stupid
site] to see the profiles of the people around you, share photos, and
connect with friends.


P.S. Here's the link:
[URL to stupid site's signup page]

This e-mail may contain promotional materials. If you do not wish to receive
future commercial mailings from [stupid site], please click on the link below.
[stupid site]'s offices are located at [No. 666, The Moon].

[URL to stupid site's opt-out page]

I have added you as a contact to my email client's address book

Random reader,
I have added you as a "friend" to [my email client]'s address book because I sent you an email once, and you replied with a response saying you could not help me. You can use [my email client] to send email, because I assume you are not able to use a normal email client, despite the fact that you managed to use one to reply to me already. You can use your browser to view my web page, and see all my pictures that you are not interested in.

Thanks, Ed.

P.S. Here's the link to download [my email client]

Because I have decided that I don't like you, I decided to sign you up to receive this spam mail. Aren't I great? If you don't want to receive spam from me any more, please unsubscribe from this list that you never chose to subscribe to. KTHXBYE.

Now seriously

I do not publish your email addresses because I do not want you to be sent spam. You could try returning the favour. Do not send me this garbage. I am not interested. I am capable of using my own communication programs. I do not need suggestions or spam from you. Thanks.

FromSean Harrison
SubjectNew invitation from Sean Harrison
Date22 July 2007 22:03
You have been invited to connect as friends with Sean Harrison

Please accept or reject this invitation by clicking below:
[Another stupid site]

Please do not reply directly to this email.

This email was sent to you at the direct request of Sean Harrison
<[email]>. You have not been added to a mailing list.

If you would prefer not to receive invitations from ANY [other stupid site]
members please click here - [URL for other stupid site]

[Other stupid site. No. 667, The Moon].


Because you didn't accept my last invitation, I assume you want this one instead. Apparently, my last email client was not good enough for you, so I offer you this alternative one.

Please install my other email client using the link below:

Please do not reply directly to this spam. I chose to send you this spam. It is not spam.

If you don't want to receive spam from me any more, please unsubscribe from this other list that you never chose to subscribe to.

Message from the editor

Bugger off!

FromSean Harrison
SubjectSean Harrison added you as a friend on [yet another brainless site]...
Date28 November 2007 16:11
Dear Si, 
Sean Harrison ([Broken URL]).

Confirm whether you are friends with Sean
([Broken URL])

You can use [yet another brainless site] to log your trips, see who's where
and connect with friends around the globe.

[Yet another brainless site] has changed for the better, with new features
to help keep track of your friends and with unlimited messaging, search and
uploads all now for free!

You also have 3 unread messages
([Broken URL])


[Yet another brainless site]

You have received this notification because Sean Harrison sent you an
invitation to join [yet another brainless site]

If you would not like to receive further invitations from Sean, please
click here
([Non-broken URL])
If you would not like to receive further invitations from anyone, please
click here
([Non-broken URL])

Ignorance has reached a new level

That last one arrived three separate times. Apparently some people are too ignorant to realise when they should leave someone alone. Sean, take the hint, get lost.

This site was created by Mark "Tarquin" Wilton-Jones.
Don't click this link unless you want to be banned from our site.