Sebastian Schimpf


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FromSebastian Schimpf
Subjectmodification for your Automatic collapsible list generation script [active state needed]
Date26 September 2005 16:29
Dear Mark,

we are a little german based webdevelopment agency.
We would like to use your Script for one of our clients website.

Our idea for the website navigation is to use expandable boxes
for all first level menu entries. Your script does this very well!
There is only the problem, that there is no active state in the menu.
We would like to have a solution for showing different background-
images for inactive and active state. We also want a fallback
solution, when the visitor has javascript turned off, so I think
your image based solutions are not really usable for us.

I think it only make sense, to use dynamic written classes into
the html elements like: class="active" / class="inactive"
so that there is a possibility to style them different.

We would really appreciate, if you are able to offer us a clean
solution for our idea. We would like to pay for your work,
if the price is ok for us!

Greetings from Germany,
ToSebastian Schimpf
SubjectRe: modification for your Automatic collapsible list generation script [active state needed]
Date26 September 2005 17:50

I am guessing you are talking about the collapsible list generation scrips:

> Our idea for the website navigation is to use expandable boxes
> [snip]
> your image based solutions are not really usable for us.

Then I suggest you use the alternative script:

It allows you to style the link pointing to the current page, does not rely
on images, and falls back gracefully to an expanded list if JavaScript is

To make it show when it is active, you will need to modify the relevant
functions to also change the className attribute whenever the display style
is changed (look for .style.display within the script). Sorry, I do not
really have time to make these changes myself right now.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromSebastian Schimpf
SubjectRe: modification for your Automatic collapsible list generation script [active state needed]
Date27 September 2005 19:36
Hey Marc,
[Ed. nope ;) it is Mark. Or even better; Tarquin]

   > Then I suggest you use the alternative script:

many thanks for your advice!

I am not able to modify the script, because I am a Javascript-Novice.
Maybe one day you will have the time to modify your script. It would
be very nice, if you will implement the mentioned functionality and
let me know about it.

For now I am using a modified version of the docking boxes
script from [URL]. It does exactly what I want, but the
script is 17 kb heavy, because the original script allows drag and
drop for reordering the navigation boxes:


Thank you again!

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