Shaylor Murray


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FromShaylor Murray
Date28 October 2004 23:20
The Author,
I would like to host one of your scripts for my personal use.
Convert text into a JavaScript readable variable
I just want it for personal use cause I use it all the time.
I could make a donation to your site or something to that effect. Or buy
rights use it personally. I am interested because I would like to change it
just a little bit if that's not a problem.
Best regards,
ToShaylor Murray
Date29 October 2004 9:00

Nice to hear you find it useful.

For personal use, all you have to do is save a copy of the page (I have
also attached a copy). If you host it on your own server, and it is
possible that someone else could see it, I would appreciate a note on the
page saying where you got it from.

There is no need for any donations. Everything on the site is provided for
free, and you are welcome to change anything in the source if you want
(again, if anyone else can see it, please leave a comment in the source
saying what you changed).

Thanks for reminding me, since there are a few changes that I had forgotten
to make as well. The warning message in Opera 7+ is now removed, / is
properly escaped to \/, " is now escaped to \" (to allow you to change the
quoting style if desired - unnecessary, but some people like it). It also
offers the option to convert special HTML characters into entities, so that
it can be put in HTML attributes or displayed on web pages. On top of that,
the whole algorithm is now much faster.

Were there any other changes you had in mind? If they are worth while for
everyone else, I could add them into the code.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromShaylor Murray
Date29 October 2004 16:34

The only thing I really wanted to change is the output. I want it to use the
doument.write command instead of myvariable.

Thank you so very much!
I appreciate everything!

Shaylor Murray
This site was created by Mark "Tarquin" Wilton-Jones.
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