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FromSkip Keats
SubjectThe workaround link on the Wrong with IE Navigator Plugin Page
Date24 March 2008 19:15
Dear Tarquin:

Just a short note to alert you to a broken link on your site in the
WrongWithIE article. It appears that QuirksMode has redone their site.

The link in the workaround section (page bottom) where it cites a "properly
written support detect script" produces a 404 error as the referenced file ( no longer exists on the server. The
page in question is this one:

Thought you might want to know. I tried finding the replacement on the
revamped QuicksMode site, but was unsuccessful.

Incidentally, I also like Opera (and have been using it since version 3 or 4
(when you still had to pay for it)). In fact, I am writing this email from
within it.

Skip Keats
ToSkip Keats
SubjectRe: The workaround link on the Wrong with IE Navigator Plugin Page
Date29 March 2008 08:42

> Just a short note to alert you to a broken link on your site in the
> WrongWithIE article.

Thanks, I have linked to an archived copy.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
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