Stephanie Floyd


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FromStephanie Floyd
SubjectWeb Browers Icons
Date27 February 2007 16:58
Mr. Jones,

Good morning. I work for a company that has asked me does research to have
our company logo be associated as someone's favorite icon display when they
save our website to their favorites. I have done tons of research and will
admit I do not have much experience with web designs but I have managed to
update our website and make changes that are needed. I do not however know
how to perform this task to get our logo displayed as the internet icon
instead of the "e" for internet explorer. If this is something that you
might interested in helping me understand I would be most grateful!

Let me know.

Stephanie Floyd
ToStephanie Floyd
SubjectRe: Web Browers Icons
Date27 February 2007 18:49

> our company logo be associated as someone's favorite icon display when
> they save our website to their favorites.

Simple. Create a .ico file of your logo that is 16 pixels by 16 pixels, and
save it as
Most browsers will then use that icon when saving a favourite or bookmark.
To create the .ico file, search the web for 'icon editor' - a lot of them
are rubbish, but there are enough good free ones around.

Most browsers (not Internet Explorer) will allow you to save it in a
different location to the default one, if you put this in the head of each
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/someotherdirectory/favicon.ico">

> how to perform this task to get our logo displayed as the internet icon
> instead of the "e" for internet explorer.

I assume you mean the icon displayed in the browser's address bar (not, for
example, the icon displayed on the user's desktop).

As long as you save it as /favicon.ico, IE will use it when saving a
bookmark. IE 7 and all other browsers that support favicons will also
display it in the address bar and/or tab bar while the page is loaded. IE 6
and earlier can only use it for favourites, and cannot display icons in the
address bar.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromStephanie Floyd
SubjectRe: Web Browers Icons
Date27 February 2007 19:02
Okay I used a free software program on the internet that created our logo as
our icon and its saved to my desktop so how do I get it on the internet? I
know these seem like stupid questions but I am really not familiar with the
terms and stuff like that. Sorry to be such a pain.

Stephanie Floyd
ToStephanie Floyd
SubjectRe: Web Browers Icons
Date27 February 2007 19:17

> Okay I used a free software program on the internet that created our logo
> as our icon and its saved to my desktop so how do I get it on the internet?

make sure it is called favicon.ico and use whatever program your webmaster
tells you to use to upload it. This will probably be an FTP client, and you
will need to know your FTP username and password to upload it. I am afraid
this will depend entirely on how your server is set up, so you will need to
ask your webmaster for more details.

FromStephanie Floyd
SubjectRe: Web Browers Icons
Date27 February 2007 19:26

Not to sound like a complete idiot but our webmasters are idiots, I have
been maintaining our website for almost a year now with updates and when I
talked to them yesterday to have them upload this they had me upload to this
16x16 little icon that displays in the left hand corner of our website. I
have access to our website and have uploaded this image to our image folder,
if I give you our website name and my number can you walk me through this
I know this is not your job but so far you have been the only person to get
me this far....

Stephanie Floyd
ToStephanie Floyd
SubjectRe: Web Browers Icons
Date27 February 2007 19:41

> talked to them yesterday to have them upload this they had me upload to this
> 16x16 little icon that displays in the left hand corner of our website.

Yes, saw that, it does look very strange ;)
You should remove it again.

> I have access to our website and have uploaded this image to our image
> folder,

OK, this was the problem. You uploaded it here:
You need to upload it here instead:

I am guessing here, but it appears that your site is mirrored here as well:
so it will probably also work if you upload it here:

> if I give you our website name and my number can you walk me through this
> process?

I already found your site (assuming is the real site)
- both locations :)
But sorry, phone calls are not an option, especially not from UK.
FromStephanie Floyd
SubjectRe: Web Browers Icons
Date27 February 2007 19:45
Okay so how do I upload it to the correct location that we are looking for?
Can I call you, hoping you speak English? Ha ha

Here is the source image that is in my header file on my home page: do I
need to edit this?

<a href=""><img
border="0" alt="
Progressive Engineering" /></a>
Stephanie Floyd
ToStephanie Floyd
SubjectRe: Web Browers Icons
Date27 February 2007 20:26

> Here is the source image that is in my header file on my home page: do I
> need to edit this?
> <a href=""><img
> src=""
> border="0" alt="
> Progressive Engineering" /></a>

Yes, remove that from the page.

As for your upload problem, you can probably get away with just renaming
that logo.ico file to favicon.ico

Note that it will never work the way you want on your mirror site
(, since that uses
a subdirectory (and the hosting service will probably not let you create it
in the root folder). It will only work on the real site:

I am not sure why your site is available in those two separate places, but
no doubt this is not helping with your confusion.

> Can I call you

Sorry, no. If you need someone to talk you through this over the phone, call
your webmaster, and ask them how to upload a file to this location:

As long as you are specific that you want to create that file, they should
be able to tell you what to do.
FromStephanie Floyd
SubjectRe: Web Browers Icons
Date27 February 2007 20:49
Good afternoon. Okay I have deleted that from our header file on somefolder.
Now all I need our webmaster to do is upload the icon I have
on my desktop to that address and it should work? 

Stephanie Floyd
ToStephanie Floyd
SubjectRe: Web Browers Icons
Date27 February 2007 20:59

> Good afternoon. Okay I have deleted that from our header file on progressive
> engineering 2. Now all I need our webmaster to do is upload the icon I have
> on my desktop to that address and it should work? 

Yes. Then the main URL ( should work.
FromStephanie Floyd
SubjectRe: Web Browers Icons
Date27 February 2007 21:04
Okay, I am in the process of contacting my web master via chat session to
see if I can do this. I am hoping they understand what I am in need of.

Stephanie Floyd
FromStephanie Floyd
SubjectRe: Web Browers Icons
Date27 February 2007 21:30

Great news, it works! Thank you so much for all your help!!!!

Stephanie Floyd
FromStephanie Floyd
SubjectRe: Web Browers Icons
Date28 February 2007 20:14

Just wanted to send you a little note and than you for helping me out
yesterday. I never did receive any replies from the other people I requested
additional help from. 

So thanks again, really appreciated it.

Stephanie Floyd
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