Stephen Ingledew


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FromStephen Ingledew
Date30 July 2003 01:12
My name is Stephen Ingledew, i stumbled on your site by accident and
was very happy to see that some people still make sites for old
browsers i am using an Amiga 1200 with 68030 processor with 32 Meg
of RAM, i am building a PC sort of gradually getting the parts
bit by bit anyway i will be having a look at your sight for advice
on web design and the parts i have had a look at give some good tips
for old browsers, if you would like to reply, my e-mail is as follows

ToStephen Ingledew
Date30 July 2003 16:20

Yes, contrary to popular belief, there are people like yourself who don't
use super spec machines or top-of-the-range browsers. I see no reason why I
should deny you access to anything. You have as much right to see it as
anyone else, and if you are comfortable with your computer, your operating
system, your browser, I should not try to force you to change, I should
just try to make the best of what you have.

What browser are you using at the moment?

Hope you continue to enjoy the site.

FromStephen Ingledew
Date31 July 2003 05:37

Thankyou for your reply in your e-mail you asked what broweser i am
using at the moment, the browser is called AWeb 3.4 for the
Amiga 1200, have also been uploading my website that i have with
ntl, i am only on dialup at the moment, have not got very far with my
website because have just really been experimenting with a bit of HTML code
so was glad to find your site, i used a font out of a 
programme called PPaint and made a welcome GIF image and then done
the HTML in a word processor called WordWorth, the programme i used
to upload my website was called AmiTCP, have not done any changes for
a while to website, will probably go back to it and see what else can
be done, have been trying to update the java on AWeb but don't know
what version java is at and not sure if i would be able to update the
java anyway, if you have any idea where i could find an update to the   
java please contact me, i look forward to your reply.


ToStephen Ingledew
Date31 July 2003 08:31
As a side point, you need to rename start.html to index.html on your site.
Then it will serve the index.html page if you type: 
instead of
FromStephen Ingledew
Subjectre:reply to advice on amiga
Date01 August 2003 14:59
Hi Mark,

Thankyou for your advice on the java and website.

Kind regards.

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