Stephen Johnston


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FromStephen Johnston
SubjectUsing Movable Mini Windows Script on a commercial Web Site!
Date12 April 2003 01:29 AM
Dear Mr. Mark Wilton-Jones,
Hello I am running a project which will become commercial as soon as I get
permission to use your Windows Script and I get a chance to promote the
site.  TO give you're a little back ground of the web site, it is a Browser
Based OS.  It comes complete with a Taskbar, Go! Start Button (It's the
equivalent of a Windows Start Button) as well as a few other features too.
I have pasted the link below so you can look at it, and in the mini-window
where there is a info icon (may or may not display and only works in IE at
the moment) when you click it and the alert box comes up I have modified
that script just a little but I have left the creator of the script, you,
and contact info in it,  I am just asking if you will allow me to use your
script in my Internet OS.
   Steve J
FromStephen Johnston
SubjectForgot to send link
Date12 April 2003 01:30 AM
Here's the link that I forgot to send in the last email.
ToStephen Johnston
SubjectRe: Using Movable Mini Windows Script on a commercial Web Site!
Date13 April 2003 07:01 PM
The idea sounds very interesting - although your URL did not work
(redirects to edit.jsp which does not work) - please let me know when you
get it fixed so I can take a look.

You are welcome to use the script, free of charge, on the following

You keep the info and credits in there
You put a plain text link to my site on in least one place (helps me with
my search engine ranking)
You make it clear that you are using my script free of charge and so are
not charging customers for the use of my script - only for the things that
you have written (it makes the licencing easier that way).
You make an effort to make it work in at least Gecko too - and Opera would
be nice .. ;)

Good luck with the site, it's an excellent idea, and I hope it's a success.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones
FromStephen Johnston
Date13 April 2003 07:14:01 AM
Dear Mark,

Here is the link to the web address I hope it works.
ToStephen Johnston
SubjectRe: Link
Date14 April 2003 4:02 PM
Yeah, that does look cool. That looks like it's gonna be a decent site.
Please let me know when you get it fully working.

Couple of [constrctive - I hope] points,

The menus need to close when you click anywhere outside them, because at
the moment, they do not close if you click on the windows etc. You may find
document.onclick or document.onmouseup helps here.

You should comment out script and CSS in the source (not that it really
matters considering your target audience)

I noticed something odd in your CSS:

A.menuItem:hover {
    BORDER-RIGHT: #316ac5 1px solid; etc.
<style type="text/css">

.window {

should that '<style type="text/css">' be there?
FromStephen Johnston
Date15 April 2003 1:47 AM
Thanks for pointing that out to me I never noticed that .  I did have one
question though, is there a way to make a javascript/html version of the
x-windows taskbar? and if so is there source code for it on the net? What I
hope to develop over the summer when school is out is to develop a
completely open-source (linux/unix) style iOS, and use the GNU Public
License Policy with it, do you think that this will work? Because I think
that this might grow better and faster if I have many people helping me,
then if it were just me.
   - STEVE
PS: If you ever have a desire to help out just feel free to, or if you have
any new (or updated) versions of your Window Script let me know, because I
would like to use your Window Script as the default Windowing system.
PPS: I have been trying to get images to display inside the window and no
matter how many times I copy and paste the images directory location it
will never show up, any clues as to why?
ToStephen Johnston
SubjectRe: DHTML taskbar
Date15 April 2003 08:30 AM
> is there a way to make a javascript/html version of the x-windows
> taskbar? and if so is there source code for it on the net?

It may take some time, and I am not aware of one already on the net.

> What I hope to develop over the summer when school is out is to develop
> a completely open-source (linux/unix) style iOS, and use the GNU Public
> License Policy with it, do you think that this will work?

It will be possible, but I warn you that the idea will take many months to
get people hooked (because it takes months to get properly indexed on
search engines), so it may take more than just one summer for people to
start contributing their own codes. However, provided you make the site
work in browsers that run on Linux (like Gecko or Konqueror), you will get
linux people interested, and they tend to be the best at producing free code.

> If you ever have a desire to help out just feel free to, or if you have
> any new (or updated) versions of your Window Script let me know, because
> I would like to use your Window Script as the default Windowing system.

Once I get the time. I work full time at the moment, and I don't have that
much to myself. I was considering updating the windowing script to make the
windows resizable - kinda like the way you resize windows on a Mac, with
the drag handle in the bottom right corner - it won't work on all browsers
though, so I am not too happy about doing it.

> I have been trying to get images to display inside the window and no
matter how many times I copy and paste the images directory location it
will never show up, any clues as to why?

.. taking a look at your source code ...

The maximise image works, whatever you have done for that one is right.
Aaah! I see. The logo, min and cross images are not in the img subdirectory
on the server, but the max one is.

just as some advice, take a look at this code snippet

<img src="http:\\\img\go.bmp" border=0 alt="Click here to explore!"></a>
<img src="C:\01\img\taskbarhandle.gif">
<A class=menuButton onmouseover="buttonMouseover(this, 'calMenu');" 
    onclick="return buttonClick(this, 'calMenu');" 
<img src="http:\\\img\calendar.bmp" border=0>

There is no need to put all those absolute URLs there, just use "img/go.bmp" etc.
The c:\ one will never work except on your computer ...
you should use forwardslashes, not backslashes ( / not \ )
ToStephen Johnston
SubjectRe: Link
Date15 April 2003 11:23 PM
Attachmentspre-release of my latest mini window script, and an image to use for the resize drag handle
Just to let you know, I have updated the window script but I cannot yet
transfer it to the site, so I am emailing it to you instead.

This new version allows you to specify a 'resize' image (ignored on windows
that can be dragged by any part of them). If specified, the resize image
(6px x 6px) will be used as a drag handle in the bottom right corner of the
window, allowing you to resize the windows - the sort of feature that would
work well on your site. I have tested it only for about 10 minutes, so I
would welcome you testing it on your site :)

The drag handle can move around inside the window if you try to make it too
small on Opera 7 and Gecko - I don't particularly care because there is
nothing much that I can do about it.

It may interest you to know that using innerHTML, you can rewrite the
contents of the mini windows if the browser allows it (IE5+, Gecko, Opera 7,
Konqueror/Safari, ICE etc.):
or IE 4 (if you care ...):

ToStephen Johnston
SubjectA new and improved version of the window script
Date16 April 2003 2:53 PM
Attachmentspre-release of an updated mini window script and images

I managed to get the drag handle to work properly in IE 5+, Gecko (Mozilla,
Netscape 6 etc.), Opera 7, Konqueror and Safari, so I have attached the
updated script.

I have also added in functions to rewrite the window contents in IE5+,
Gecko, Opera 7, Konqueror and Safari, as well as change the background
colour of the windows.

Hope you find this useful.

ToStephen Johnston
SubjectAnd again, a script update
Date16 April 2003 10:53 PM
Attachmentspre-release of an updated mini window script and images

Sorry to keep bombarding you with emails, but I think this latest
improvement may be perfect for your site.
You can now specify a 'full screen' maximise image, and it will resize the
window to fit your virtual desktop. Take careful note of the script source,
because I have changed the image names to suit the new arrangement.

Because you have got a taskbar, you would need to redefine the findMaxSize
function, something like:

function findMaxSize() {
   var taskbarSize =  40; //or the size of your taskbar
   if( window.innerWidth ) { var w = window.innerWidth, h = window.innerHeight;
   } else if( document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth ) {
       var w = document.documentElement.clientWidth, h = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
   } else if( document.body && document.body.clientWidth ) {
       var w = document.body.clientWidth, h = document.body.clientHeight;
   } else { var w = 400, h = 400; } if( window.opera || navigator.product == 'Gecko' ) { w -= 16; }
   return [0,taskbarSize,w,h-taskbarSize]

FromStephen Johnston
Date17 April 2003 3:51 AM
Thanks for the advice about img/go.bmp it will cut my work load by a lot.
I have also had the same trouble with your last few updated scripts that you
have sent me so in one of my messages I just gave you (and I trust you will
use it for good purposes) to upload any changes you need to add for the
script etc.
FromStephen Johnston
Date17 April 2003 3:46 AM
Dear Mark,
Your new window script was blocked from MSN unfortunately, so I will give
you access to my serve via FTP where you can store it in the cgi-bin folder
if you like. Here is everything you need to get into it.
Username: xxxxxxxx
password: xxxxxxxx
This should work.  If not, you can send the script to my other email account
ToStephen Johnston
SubjectFiles transferred
Date17 April 2003 10:14 AM

I have transferred all the files, including the images. The ones you had on
the server were corrupted, which is why they did not work. Your cgi-bin
directory is misconfigured and it does not work, so I put the script in the
www directory instead.

I have also updated your test.htm to incorporate all of the changes
(including switching from .bmp images to the .gif versions as .bmp only
works in IE), such as redefining the findMaxSize function.

As a side point, you have a z-indexing problem with your menus. Open the VHD
and use the fullscreen button to maximise the window. Then try opening a
menu. You should notice the menu tuck behind the mini window. To solve it,
set the z-indexes of the menus to 98302 or above. That allows the user to
move, resize etc. any window about 16000 times before it becomes a problem
again (not likely to happen).

FromStephen Johnston
SubjectNew Taskbar Idea
Date19 April 2003 03:05 AM
I have recently reprogrammed my taskbar and am using tables instead of
just a javascript script to make them like they were.  I think that this
might solve the program of the menus going behind the window.  I am not
sure though, I might have to rework some of the images.  But I was just
wondering what you thought about the new design.

** NOTE **
I plan to change the images into a JPG format since I don't yet have a way
of formatting in GIF.

FromStephen Johnston
Date19 April 2003 03:07 AM
Don't mean to bomard you with email but I forgot to send the link with you
it's a new htm document because I didn't want to change anything on the
main one until I had more testing done on the new taskbar.

ToStephen Johnston
SubjectRe: New Taskbar Idea
Date20 April 2003 20:17
that new taskbar looks excellent. The 'applications' menu does not 
appear though, although the links on it work, and your menus don't 
highlight (I'm using IE5.5 here - don't know if that makes a difference).

You will need to change the findMaxSize function in my window script to
work with the new position of the taskbar, but I say that it will be worth
it. Not that the old look was bad or anything, but the new one is better.

FromStephen Johnston
SubjectRe: New Taskbar Idea
Date21 April 2003 02:45 AM
That's weird, I've got the applications image set right, maybe I forgot to
upload it, any way, I have got a even better look at the same link as last

I think that this one will be the final design for now, I got a sneak peak
at Microsoft's new OS called 'foghorn'.  I closely resembles windows XP
which may or may not be a good thing, and I am going to redo your
findMaxSize part of the window script.  What would be a appropriate number
do you think?.

PS: Do you think that the new design might just make this a easier to use

FromStephen Johnston
SubjectRe: New Taskbar Idea
Date21 April 2003 02:53 AM
Found a problem and its really weird too.  I just tested the new site and
while everything is in order nothing is working, do you think that the new
JPG format may have something to do with it?

If you want to you can take a look at it and maybe you figure it out if I
don't first, its just strange
FromStephen Johnston
SubjectDesktop Picture
Date21 April 2003 02:53 AM
AttachmentPicture of proposed web page layout
Sorry about this but I thought that you might like to see what the desktop
is suppose to look like, I attached a file.
FromStephen Johnston
SubjectFixed it heres the new URL
Date21 April 2003 03:15 AM
Okay this is the last email:

I have fixed the stuff, it appears that IE or my Web Host does not like
JPG's so I changed everything back into a Bitmap file and changed the URL
here it is:
ToStephen Johnston
SubjectRe: New Taskbar Idea
Date21 April 2003 09:04 PM
The things that will need changing are the start position and size of the
windows when maximizing.
The start position can be 0,0 as you have the taskbar at the bottom. The
width should be the full width, and the height should be the full height
minus the height of the taskbar. As I have updated the script to get rid of
a couple of minor bugs, I will put the changes across for you tomorrow
unless you say otherwise. I will also update findMaxSize, so take a look at
that once I have finished to see how it works.

There are a couple of minor API changes, but nothing major. Just take a look
at the .js file for instructions on how to use the new API - mainly only
re-writing that has changed.

Yes, I do think the new design will be intuitive for people. Be warned of
course that making the site look too much like Windows may not be such a
good idea if you are trying to get the linux community involved ... but
having said that, it doesn't look unlike Xwindows, KDE or Gnome, so it's OK
as it is at the moment.

As far as your images go, I suggest you try .gif or .png images. If you
have XP, you can get paintbrush to save Gif images for you (badly) or you
may want to try downloading Paint Shop Pro. Old versions can occasionally
be got for free ...

FromStephen Johnston
Subjectnew update: Movable Icons
Date22 April 2003 1:42 AM
I have attached a new piece of script to this new update, which allows you
to move the icons around and such stuff, if you right click there is also a
custom right click menu.
I have took into account your thoughts about it may begin to look to much
like Windows, and I think that you are right, which is why I have started a
new updated version of this project designed for 100% linux users.  I have
attached a new image of what this should look like once I have finished it.  
PS:  The windows which are shown in the picture, what kind of rewriting of
the script might I have to do in order to get them like that?
PPS: I am going to be using a new URL for everything for a while, and it is:
So if you are going to upload any new window scripts or what not, and if
its not any trouble for you, that is where I would like the new one to go,
if not, that is okay, I can transfer the files over to the site URL latter
once the new update is in place.  I am however wondering what the movable
icons attached to the link might do to the new window script?
ToStephen Johnston
SubjectRe: new update: Movable Icons
Date22 April 2003 8:37 AM

> I have attached a new piece of script to this new update, which allows
you to move the icons around and such stuff

Cool. I like that effect. Do the links still work? Slight problem, try
dragging the second icon (Notebook). It jumps to the top of the page first.
I think you can use an inline stylesheet to set it's position to solve that.

<div style="left:blahpx;top:blahpx;">

> if you right click there is also a custom right click menu.

just as a warning ... not on opera - right clicks are not detectable or
cancellable in any Opera version. You might want to detect Ctrl+LeftClick
in Opera - something that is used on the Mac operating system - to replace
right clicks.

> I have attached a new image of what this should look like once I have
> finished it.

Cool look. As a thought, you have produced a lot of good designs - why don't
you allow the user to choose which theme they want?

> The windows which are shown in the picture, what kind of rewriting of the
> script might I have to do in order to get them like that?

Not too much. Just replace my max, min, restore, close and info images with
images you create from the picture of the window you want, and redefine the
title bar colour to be gray. The borders of the mini windows will always
remain the same though. I am more worried about the idea of having menus in
the mini windows - it is something I have never tried, and I don't know how
to do it. I suppose it could be done using a modified version of my menu
script - I will take a look today. I guarentee it would not work in
Netscape 4, but I don't care because NS4 is crap.

> So if you are going to upload any new window scripts or what not, that is
> where I would like the new one to go

no problem. I will only be editing movablewindow.js

> I am wondering what the movable icons attached to the link might do to
the new window script?

nothing, provided your links work fine (and the z-index of the icons is
fine (define them before you define the windows, that should help)), there
should be no interaction problems.

ToStephen Johnston
SubjectRe: new update: Movable Icons
Date22 April 2003 9:39 AM

Ok, I produced a version of my menu script that works in the mini windows,
but there are a few problems.

1) my menus do not change size as the windows change size (nothing I can do
about that with my current menu script, need to write a menu that
dynamically changes size - use stylesheets and percentages -
width:25%;left:75%; etc.)

2) big problem. When you minimise the windows, the menus stay put, as if
the window was not minimised. Apparently, the visibility style does not
cascade if a child element has a visibility clause. This will be a problem
with any window script.

Fixing point 2 would need a special menu script (I havn't got the time to
do it right now) that used the display style instead of the visibility
style in order to show/hide the menus. It would work in all modern

If I get some time, and you want me to, I may start working on a menu
script that does all this. What do you think?
FromStephen Johnston
SubjectNew Window Script
Date23 April 2003 3:50 AM
That new script would be a great new feature to add.  I think it would be
very neat, great job man! wow, I feel as though my movable icons are simple
compared to this new script you worked up.  Keep it, and go right a ahead.
FromStephen Johnston
SubjectMany questions!!!
Date23 April 2003 4:35 AM
One thought, about letting users choose their own environment, what kind of
script would I need to write to enable a user to do such a feat, I am not
able to find any script of the net to help me along.  Has such a thing ever
been written? I do however see the advantage to doing such a thing, it
would most likely draw more people to the site, but one other question
comes up, how many different desktop wallpapers should there be? or should
I add a feature that allows them to choose a wallpaper and upload a
wallpaper of their own?  I am stuck on these questions, but ultimately I
will have to make a choice.  Beside letting users choose their wallpaper
what other things might draw people into the OS more?  I don't mean to ask
so many questions but I look at this project as a joint partnership, and I
feel that you should have a say in what this OS looks like.  For one day I
hope that it will good enough for you and many others to use, however if
you use it in the future after it is all done, you will have more clout
then any other user beside myself, and you will have most likely played a
critical part in changing history.  One other question though before I
leave, I realize that paten's are a way of protecting work, and if I got
one, would that damage the image and goal of this project?
ToStephen Johnston
SubjectRe: Many questions!!!
Date23 April 2003 10:28 AM

> One thought, about letting users choose their own environment, what kind
> of script would I need to write to enable a user to do such a feat, I am
> not able to find any script of the net to help me along.

This would be easy. You can use cookies for a start. I have also written a
cookie script if you are interested. Take a look at and see the section marked 'Variable
retention'. The way to do it would be to use different images depending on
the content of the cookie. For example, put all the images required in a
directory called 'linux' or 'windows' and then store their choice 'windows'
or 'linux' in a cookie. Check if the user has your cookie. If they do not,
assume they want 'windows' then load the images from
getCookie('YourCookieName') + '/home.gif'

just an idea ...

> Has such a thing ever been written?

probably, but I have not seen it.

> how many different desktop wallpapers should there be?
> or should I add a feature that allows them to choose a wallpaper and
> upload a wallpaper of their own?

hmm, not so easy to allow them to upload unless you are going to do server
side scripting. I have been doing SSS for many years now, and I am used to
using SQL databases to store user preference. But uploading files presents
many serious security issues, and I don't think it is the right place to
start. Having said that, it may be possible to allow them to choose a file
using a file input, and use the value of it as the background - not sure if
you can read the value of a file input - it will look something like
'file://localhost/C:/images/myPic.jpg'. The image will be tiled by default
and cannot be stretched to fit the page.

I suggest you have your own set of backgrounds, and allow them to choose
one or to choose one from their own disk using the file input, then do = 'url('+theImageURL+')';
You will need to store their choice again. Another cookie maybe?

> Beside letting users choose their wallpaper what other things might
draw people into the OS more?

I'll see if I can come up with any ideas. Basically, the more you let them
configure for themselves, the better.

> One other question though before I leave, I realize that paten's are a
> way of protecting work, and if I got one, would that damage the image and
> goal of this project?

A patent should not adversely affect the the goal, although it might put
one or two people off contributing. The problem with patents is that you
will have to prove that this is a unique and original idea. Unfortunately,
there is no way that you will manage to get a patent for it, because in
essence, it is just a web page (or a portal, but they have been done
before) - all be it a very cool and complicated web page - but they will
not allow you to patent it.

FromStephen Johnston
SubjectLatest Version of NiOS is finished
Date28 May 2003 2:13 AM
Sorry its been so long since I wrote you last, but I have been very busy
re-writing my entire program, and I have also got a lot of other stuff going
on as well.  The new site (even though I hate doing it) look and feel just
like windows 95/98/ME/2000 etc.  And I had to do this because I was talking
with some people and they told me that until I get more support just to get
people excited about this project I should let them have a windows desktop
for now, so that is what I have done.  It has a new menu interface which
lights up when your mouse goes over the text, and it has two applications
which are in development as we speak a calculator, and a notepad.  Even
though its windows based it should hopefully impress you.  By the way how
is your new window script coming along?  I have been working on one here
for a while and I will let you take a look at it as soon as I get it up and
running on the site, but I still would like to use yours.  Anyway I must be
going now.
I have set it as the first page so there is no long links.
ToStephen Johnston
SubjectRe: Latest Version of NiOS is finished
Date28 May 2003 8:31 AM
I don't blame you for making Windows the default one ;) It looks good, and
feels like a proper operating system. Not bad at all.

When I load the page (IE6, winXP), I get the error: is null or not an object

The 'log off' image and the line above it disappear when I hover over
'applications' and the applications menu appears too high (because my
monitor resolution is 1024 * 768).

The latest version of my window script is now available on my _new_ site
follow the link for JavaScript libraries.
You will still need to change the findMaxSize function (copy the one that
is in the script you currently have) to suit your design. It would make it
easier for you if you define the scripts like this:
<script src="movablewindow.js" type="text/javascript ... ></script>
<script type="text/javascript ... ><!--
function findMaxSize() {
    //write your version of the function here

that way, you can update the window script without having to edit it every

I have not had the time to write the 'display' based menu script yet, too
much other stuff on my plate. I will see if I can write it soon.

ToStephen Johnston
SubjectRe: Latest Version of NiOS is finished
Date28 May 2003 4:33 PM
Attachmentpre-release of my display based menu script
I have produced a first version of a display based menu.
extract the contents of the attached zip file.
see test.html for how to use it.
FromStephen Johnston
SubjectRe: Latest Version of NiOS is finished
Date28 May 2003 11:18 PM
Yeah I found out about the error when I loaded it at a remote computer, I
have to figure out how to make it function properly since I have never made
anything quite at complex as what is there right now.  Hey great job on the
new site, I had a little trouble at first finding where you hid the new
window script but I found it.  I liked the changing style sheet script much
I copied it too.  Again great job with the site, and I also would like to
make your analog clock script the default clock, and I also and going to try
to implement the date picker script too.  I say again great job on the page
the layout for the libraries is good too.
FromStephen Johnston
Subjectzip file
Date28 May 2003 11:22 PM
I am just checked and I got the wrong one, I found the window script in the
javascript libraries.  Where on the site is your .zip file located at???
FromStephen Johnston
SubjectDisregard the last message
Date28 May 2003 11:23 PM
Please disregard the last message, I just realized I had a attachment, MSN
hid it one me.
ToStephen Johnston
SubjectNew menu and window scripts
Date30 May 2003 2:46 PM
I have rewritten the menu script and mini window scripts so the menus embed
in the window properly, and so they work more reliably (they automatically
close after 5 seconds or if you click on the menu bar) and in more
browsers. Take a look:
you can download the scripts ('Mini window controls' and 'Display based
menu') from:

The main change in the mini window script is that it now accepts one more
parameter, the code for the menu:

//put in the image location for the right arrows (width,height,location)
var contNt = new displayBasedMenu('rightAr.gif','rightArW.gif');

//define the structure
contNt.sub[0] = new displayBasedSub('File');

var theWinOb = createMiniWinLayer(
    'This is the contents.'
    'This is the first mini window',
    ... etc.,

FromStephen Johnston
SubjectNiOS Update
Date05 June 2003 01:06
Hi again I am just writing to tell you that I have updated everything on the 
page, the start menu has a new look, and soon I will be adding a IM to the 
IOS.  I have started using your window script for the version of NiOS and 
the only window as of yet that has the DisplayBasedMenu is the Nerve Paint 
program which is still under development.  In all I think that this might be 
by far my best all this year.  I did try a full version of a paint program 
in the window, however it did not work, and I think that this is because I 
was writing script inside of a script created window, I am not too sure, but 
I am thinking of trying a IFRAME for the next update.
ToStephen Johnston
SubjectRe: NiOS Update
Date05 June 2003 08:50
I have to say, I always like your designs. They look so cool.

As far as the menu script goes, you need to download the latest window and
display based menu scripts from
The menus work a lot better - try the demo:

I was playing around with dragging iframes for a while, and found quite a
few bugs, so you may find the following useful.

The iframe may be your solution - but - moving them as part of the mini
window will not work properly in IE5 Mac (the workaround is to scroll the
main window by 1 px, them immediately scroll it back again, every time the
window is moved - that could be difficult to integrate with my script, so
you may have to live with it as a bug), and both Opera 7 and
Mozilla/Netscape6+ will have problems if the user drags the mini windows
too far off the edge of the main window (parts of the iframe get left
behind on the page).

Also, your iframes may affect the resizing of the window, but that is not a
bad thing. Just define them with:
height="100" width="100" id="someUniqueId"
then after the page has loaded, change them to be 100% instead (this way
you avoid browsers freezing)
This site was created by Mark "Tarquin" Wilton-Jones.
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