Steven Veloff


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Email conversation

FromSteven Veloff
SubjectXML importing script works in IE online, but not offline
Date26 March 2010 18:36
First, thanks for creating such an awesome script!

It works great in all the browsers I tested in (list below), but ONLY when
the files are online (ie, on a web server). If they are locally on my
computer in a folder (ie, not using a web server) Internet Explorer (all
versions) will NOT work.

Any ideas how to fix this, or if it's possible?

MacOS X (10.5.8 - PowerPC):
- Safari 4.0.5
- FireFox 3.6.2
- Camino 2.0.2
- Opera 10.10
- SeaMonkey 2.0.3

Windows 7 (64-bit):
- Internet Explorer 8

Windows 7 (32-bit):
- FireFox 3.6.2
- Internet Explorer 8
- Safari 4.0.5
- Google Chrome
- Opera 10.10
- SeaMonkey 2.0.3
- K-Meleon 1.5.4

Windows XP Professional w/SP3 (32-bit):
- Internet Explorer 7
- Internet Explorer 6
- FireFox 3.0.13
- FireFox
- Safari 3.2.2
ToSteven Veloff
SubjectRe: XML importing script works in IE online, but not offline
Date10 April 2010 19:30

> If they are locally
> on my computer in a folder (ie, not using a web server) Internet
> Explorer (all versions) will NOT work.

This is a misguided security restriction in IE. Other browsers may place
restrictions on it like only allowing you to import files from the same
folder or child folders. IE, however, goes too far and denies it completely.
The only option I know of is to use a better browser.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
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