Ted Gould


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FromTed Gould
SubjectQuestion regarding Firefox's results!
Date12 December 2005 12:17
Hi, i have a question regarding Firefox's results. This question is for all
systems(windows, mac, linux etc) that Firefox runs on.

Did you know, that you can manually and easily tweak Firefox's settings to
make firefox faster?
I use firefox and i also tweaked these settings and i saw an improvement.
These settings can make a big speed up on Broadband, but on Dial-up(what i
use) you wont see a big speed up. Not as big as Broadbands.(i understand
Broadband is faster than dial-up, but i mean the percentage of speed...eg.
Braodband would have a higher percantage of speed boost than dial-ups). I
got the instructions for tweaking Firefox of a messageboard at:
I have also written the exact intsructions for tweaking firefox from the
messageboard below:

[Loads of instructions for tweaking config settings]

There are many other messageboards similar to this, but this posted message
has more tweak settings to make firefox the fastest [that it can be].

Thankyou for your time. I hope you tweak the settings and add the new
results and explain what was done to achieve the results(tweaking the

ToTed Gould
SubjectRe: Question regarding Firefox's results!
Date12 December 2005 13:43

> I hope you tweak the settings and add the new results and explain what was
> done to achieve the results

I am aware of how to tweak the performance for many browsers - many of the
settings you mention for Firefox are also available in Opera, for example.
Hiding toolbars can also give good results.

But sorry, no, I will not add information for tweaked installs (a point I
make in the article). This would be unfair to other browsers, so I would
have to tweak all of them, and list the many thousands of combinations that
I could come up with. With open source browsers, I would also have to
compile them with many different compilation time options.

This is _far_ beyond the scope of the article, but of course you are welcome
to prepare your own article on the subject.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
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