Wayne Bairstow


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FromWayne Bairstow
SubjectConditions for use of your scripts
Date28 January 2006 03:49
Hello, I am the developer of a hopefully commercial asp driven fully flash
site.  [URL].  I was looking to make my updates a little more seamless. 
To do this I was going to build a collapsible list, but as it is just for me
to use I didn't want to spend that much time trying to make it.  So I found
you on Google while looking for an easy solution.

The problem is that I don't really have an appropriate spot yet to put the
link to your site.  It wouldn't be that bad if someone else was going to use
the collapsible list, because I could put it on that page, but the page I am
using it on, I hope, does not get seen by anyone but myself.  When I use
tools that others have created I do want to give credit but at the same time
I don't want to confuse my users.

The question is, do you have a problem with my using it for my own data
entry without linking it until I have an appropriate place to put the link.

I would also like to say that your site seems like an incredible resource. 
How do you make a living?  You have no advertising that I noticed and it
doesn't seem like you charge for your stuff, nor have I seen a donations

Thanks for your time,
Wayne Bairstow
ToWayne Bairstow
SubjectConditions for use of your scripts
Date28 January 2006 03:49
Hello, I am the developer of a hopefully commercial asp driven fully flash
site.  [URL].  I was looking to make my updates a little more seamless. 
To do this I was going to build a collapsible list, but as it is just for me
to use I didn't want to spend that much time trying to make it.  So I found
you on Google while looking for an easy solution.

The problem is that I don't really have an appropriate spot yet to put the
link to your site.  It wouldn't be that bad if someone else was going to use
the collapsible list, because I could put it on that page, but the page I am
using it on, I hope, does not get seen by anyone but myself.  When I use
tools that others have created I do want to give credit but at the same time
I don't want to confuse my users.

The question is, do you have a problem with my using it for my own data
entry without linking it until I have an appropriate place to put the link.

I would also like to say that your site seems like an incredible resource. 
How do you make a living?  You have no advertising that I noticed and it
doesn't seem like you charge for your stuff, nor have I seen a donations

Thanks for your time,
Wayne Bairstow
FromWayne Bairstow
SubjectRe: Conditions for use of your scripts
Date28 January 2006 17:49
Howdy Mark,

Thanks for your reply,

I am broke now, but if things are successful, I will be looking for contract
programmer, mostly focused in making the code I have faster and smaller, but
also making new components.  I mostly do Action Script and ASP in
JavaScript.  The Action Script is the part the is currently very inefficient
and where I do most of the new development.  Do you have the knowledge and
time for something like this?

One last question, you were the top of Google for whatever I searched with.
Is this primarily because of all the links to your site, or is there
something else?  Obviously you have the key-words in your content but not
really anymore that then next site.

ToWayne Bairstow
SubjectRe: Conditions for use of your scripts
Date28 January 2006 18:05
> Do you have the knowledge and time for something like this?

sorry, no :)

> One last question, you were the top of Google for whatever I searched
> with. Is this primarily because of all the links to your site, or is there
> something else?  Obviously you have the key-words in your content but not
> really anymore that then next site.

Google just seems to like the way I write. I do not attempt to do any search
engine optimisations (except some garbage on the front page that Google does
not use anyway, and I am about to remove). The pages all link to each other
nicely, which does help, and I get quite a lot of links from other sites,
but mainly it is the writing style. Google seems to like a page that
discusses a given topic in detail.
FromWayne Bairstow
Subjectrss scroller using fixed rss feed on one site
Date12 May 2006 11:15
I was looking at your rss scroller script and was wondering a couple of
Firstly how to change the direction of the scroller to horizontal
instead of vertical.
Secondly I have an xml page myself and want to put that in the scroller,
how do I do this and take off all the form section from your script
without breaking it.
Thanks for any help
ToWayne Bairstow
SubjectRe: rss scroller using fixed rss feed on one site
Date14 May 2006 12:44

> Firstly how to change the direction of the scroller to horizontal
> instead of vertical.

Not possible with that scroller script.

> Secondly I have an xml page myself and want to put that in the scroller,
> how do I do this and take off all the form section from your script
> without breaking it.

remove the form and call this manually:
(where URL is the URL of your feed)
FromWayne Bairstow
SubjectRe: rss scroller using fixed rss feed on one site
Date15 May 2006 09:21
Do you know of any horizontal scrolling rss feeds

ToWayne Bairstow
SubjectRe: rss scroller using fixed rss feed on one site
Date15 May 2006 09:23
> Do you know of any horizontal scrolling rss feeds

nope, sorry.
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