William Dupree


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FromWilliam Dupree
SubjectStylesheet Switching with style sheet in header on KDE3 browsers broken?
Date6 December 2004 22:12
Mr. Mark Wilton-Jones,

I have been using your Stylesheet switcher scripts.  Thank you very much.

I am trying to use Style tags in the head, instead of external links.

With external links all works well.

With style tags in the head all is well in most of the browsers I have
tried (IE, Mozilla etc, Opera).

It does not work in OmniWeb and Safari.  In these browsers the style seems
to be enabled all the time.  In the absence of a way to specify 'alternate'
in a style tag, enabled is the initial state.  I am unable to disable the
style by calling changeStyle,  independent of the arguments.

I don't know if this is can be worked around in the script or is a KDE3
flaw that needs to be noted.

I am on MACOS X using
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
I also tried XHTML 1.0 with the same effect.

William Dupree
ToWilliam Dupree
SubjectRe: Stylesheet Switching with style sheet in header on KDE3 browsers broken?
Date6 December 2004 23:18

I can confirm this behaviour in Konqueror 3.2. I guess this is a bug, but
it may be intended behaviour (since strictly speaking, disabled does not
apply to <style> tags - even though all the other browser engines allow it).
I notice that in Konqueror, you _can_ select the stylesheets from the 'view'
menu, but it seems there is no way to disable stylesheets embedded using
the <style> tag in KHTML based browsers using script. I will make a note
about this in my script docs.

Probably not what you wanted to hear I'm afraid.

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/
FromWilliam Dupree
SubjectDisplaying Guitar Chords in html, Is there a better approach?
Date22 December 2004 15:21
Mr. Mark Wilton-Jones,

Thank you for looking into my question about Stylesheet switching a 
couple of weeks ago.  I may have to do things a different way.

Today's question:

I am trying to display guitar chord symbols above lines of song lyrics. 
 They need to be placed precisely over a particular letter in the 
lyric.  It is nice to have them tied to the lyric, so that they will 
move if the lyric text is edited. I also am trying to display beat 
marks below the text.

I have a method using tables for this.  See
[page address using tables to align text strings] for an 
example of the approach. The main problem with this approach is that 
searching does not work well because the words and phases are broken 
into small pieces.

I was wondering if you had any suggestions for a simpler or more 
searchable method.

Any ideas you have would be a great help.

William Dupree
ToWilliam Dupree
SubjectRe: Displaying Guitar Chords in html, Is there a better approach?
Date22 December 2004 18:10
The best and easiest way (the one that most people use) is preformatted
Some lyrics

For proportional fonts, tables are the easiest way. There are two
alternatives. Ruby allows you to line up parts of two lines (designed for
exactly what you are trying to do), but unfortunately it has very poor
browser support (almost none of the major browsers support it yet):
The other alternative is to use CSS2 generated content, but neither IE nor
Mozilla support this well enough to do what you need. only Opera and Safari
are advanced enough.
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