Xah Lee


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FromXah Lee
Subjectthank you for your javascript tutorial
Date19 March 2010 21:32
Dear Mark "Tarquin" Wilton-Jones,

just want to say thanks.

background detail:

i was brushing up my js DOM know-how. In particular, a bit confused by
various ways of inserting/deleting nodes.

so i asked on [IRC network]'s #javascript channel , and your tutorial was
cited. this page:

I read that page. It is clear, but most importantly, exacting. Better than
say, 99% of such tutorials out there, either lacking depth or don't know
what they talking about. (e.g. one site very practical but lacking technical
depth is [URL], though it has gotten better over the years.)

so i got curious and read your js on variable part, since i had some
confusion about the need for declaration... anyway, finally i read your
Contact Me page, then Bio. I find your writing, and as a person, to be very

Thank you.

 Xah Lee
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