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Email conversation

Date18 July 2003 18:41
Ok, the mini window div stuff is cool.

Can we replicate this with iframes?

As it stands I'm going to use your div code open windows and position an
iframe accordingly.

But a choice of div or iframe would be wonderful.

SubjectRe: iframes
Date21 July 2003 08:37

Yes, this is possible, but there are several points you need to be aware
of. You must not replace the div with an iframe, because the resizing,
rewriting, colouring etc. functions rely on the div. Instead, you should
simply make the contents of the mini window:
<iframe ..... etc. ... >Sorry NS4 users!</iframe>

There are also several problems that you will encounter:

Moving them as part of the mini window will not work properly in IE5 Mac
(the workaround is to scroll the main window by 1 px, them immediately
scroll it back again, every time the window is moved. That could be
difficult to integrate with my script, so you may have to live with it as a

Both Opera 7 and Mozilla/Netscape6+ will have problems if the user drags
the mini windows too far off the edge of the main window (parts of the
iframe get left behind on the page).
Also, your iframes may affect the resizing of the window, but that is not a
bad thing. Just define them with:
height="100" width="100" id="someUniqueId"
then after the page has loaded, change them to be 100% instead (this way
you avoid browsers freezing)

Trying to implement this as a generic script would be too much work for me
to do for free, and as many browsers have problems with it, I do not intend
to do so. However, feel free to program this yourself if you have the time.

See also my emails from/to Massimo Camplone.
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