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SubjectJavascript can to stream data.
Date8 August 2004 19:44
Is 100% wrong.
I stream data all day long with javascript, and no plugins.  
There is plenty of iframes in that page, but those are not loading content
other than what they load.  
You got the ticker on the bottom, that is dynamically loaded, you got the
clock (which wont show since this that room is done and used) - but it
resyncs with the server every ten seconds.  You got someone making a
selection - it just comes over - click one of the tabs in the middle, then
click an option  - none of that data existed in the page until you loaded
(note - that page is IE only, but not for the above stuff, It can and will
work in Moz when I get a chance to figure out where I lost Moz at, it will
never work in Opera as Opera supports nothing important, and I could care
less about any other browser - and yes I got lots of traffic, and have no
problems supporting only Moz and IE - why waste your time for hours on end
to worry about the one freak that is using a browser I have never heard of)
SubjectRe: Javascript can to stream data.
Date9 August 2004 15:22
> Is 100% wrong.

no it is not. you seem to have misunderstood what a 'stream' is. a stream
is where you set up a persistent TCP connection and data is transmitted
down the connection, with either side listening continuously for incoming
data. The 'event' that is detected is the receipt of data, triggered only
by the sending end sending the data. nothing more.

this does _not_ include a script requesting extra data by embedding new
<script> tags using DOM scripting.

it does _not_ include embedding an iframe and loading a page in it.

it does _not_ include using XMLDOM or XMLHttpRequest

it does _not_ include showing/hiding or embedding any new iframes

> http://xxxxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxx/?lg=304

this page uses some very cool scripts granted, but it still is not
streaming anything at all. it embeds multiple iframes (52 nested frames by
my count), each of which contains new data. whenever you click a link, it
shows another iframe. I agree that it is not loading the data into a script
variable, there is no need, it just displays it.

All the iframes are embedded right from the start, and do not communicate
after the page has completed loading.

However, you are loading external data using a slightly different technique
to the one I described, but still using the same idea. You run a timer, and
with every cycle, the timer embeds a new script tag into the head of the
page using W3C DOM. The browser then loads the script using the given SRC,
which then passes the data to the relevant function. This is just like the
way I use the iframe, except that you use W3C DOM to load into the page
head, and I use an iframe to load the script page. The effect is the same,
and either way, it is still not streaming.

I will add a note into my article to say that it can also be done the way
you are doing it.

Mine will also work in 4th generation browsers, but in the current web,
that is not very important any more. However, unlike yours (which works in
Internet Explorer 5+ on Windows, Mozilla/Netscape 6+ and Opera 7.5+), mine
also works in Internet Explorer 5+ on Mac, Safari/Konqueror/OmniWeb 4.5+,
iCab, Opera 7.23- and ICEbrowser as well. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
You are just too important to care about them, and you are still stuck back
in the days of the 1997 browser wars.

> that page is IE only it will never work in Opera as Opera supports
> nothing important

oh grow up! Opera supports far more CSS than IE, and a vast amount of the
DOM. In fact, apart from DOM2 CSS stylesheet editing (which you are not
using anyway), Opera supports virtually all DOM scripting that
Mozilla/Firefox supports, and also supports a huge amount of the Microsoft
JScript extensions.

If you still believe that Opera cannot do anything important, then it is
time you pulled your head out of your own backside. I'm not sure if you are
just blind or something, but in case you didn't notice, on that page I said
that what I had done will work in Opera as well. If your page cannot, it is
just because you are a lazy and arrogant page author. 

> why waste your time for hours on end to worry about the one freak

If you feel you must insult people for using the program that suits them
best, then please stop reading my pages, they are intended for people who
are not so narrow minded as you, people who realise that the web is
supposed to be an open community, where we allow people to make their own
choices, not dictate that if they do not use what you want then they are
"freaks". I have no intention to waste any more of my time with you, or
your mistaken idea of what 'streaming' is.
SubjectWRONG - DOM capable browsers will not t run the script after load ....blah blah - WRONG
Date8 May 2005 21:15
Every time I see your page, that statement drives me nuts - come on, quit
telling people something that is false, and has been false for years.

[URL for an incompatible, inaccessible page, that for some reason, the
author is really proud of - *sigh*]

Check that out during the afternoon (American afternoon) while MLB games are
on - that constantly updates, from the server, with no hidden iframe trick -
in fact by the server sending back function call to the browser - using
nothing but javascript - no flash, no java, no IE only methods (though the
page only works in IE due to my inablitly to make things work in Mozilla -
the methods used though work perfectly fine in Moz - its the only damn cross
browser thing I can do)

SubjectRe: WRONG - DOM capable browsers will not t run the script after load ....blah blah - WRONG
Date9 May 2005 10:43

> Every time I see your page, that statement drives me nuts - come on,
> quit telling people something that is false, and has been false for
> years.

Changed to "Even many DOM...."

The thing is that I still agree with my own statement. It is not reliable
enough to use.

I know you are using it, and I know it works in the browser that you use.
But you are still being a very arrogant author, dictating to your user what
they MUST use, without caring whether it suits their needs. And your
continued disregard for other browsers does not inspire me to continue with
this conversation.

So unless you are going to tell me that you will make your page work cross
browser (Opera, Safari, Konqueror, Mozilla, Internet Explorer, and maybe ICE
and iCab as well, and lets not forget a fallback for other browsers
including the ones used by disabled people), please do not email me again.

SubjectRe: WRONG - DOM capable browsers will not t run the script after load ....blah blah - WRONG
Date9 May 2005 16:29
Actually as I said - it works no problem in Mozilla - nothing else I ever
does works in Mozilla (heck if I know why, I have spent countless hours
trying to figure out why and pretty much have given up at this point - I
dont have an extra 50 hours per page to figure it out - and I know that is
my own lack of knowledge - but being one person, with a backload to keep me
busy for five years, I do not have much a choice in the matter)

I do not know about any other browsers because I deal with real world
numbers, and the amount of users that the other browsers have, combined, are
not worth 1/100th of the investment in worry about them - money wise.

SubjectRe: WRONG - DOM capable browsers will not t run the script after load ....blah blah - WRONG
Date9 May 2005 16:49
and I did come at this a little hard, for that I appologize.  In regards to
fallback for disabled - very little scripting works well for disabled people
- so if we only built pages that worked for disabled, we would end up with a
newspaper on the web, and thats it.

It is ok to develope applications that not the entire population can use. 
Right off the bat - if you do not read and understand english - I just lost
that part of the market - I personally would be more concerned about that
twenty or thirty percent of the world than I would be the ten percent that
chooses to use another browser than IE.  When it comes to browsers - windows
has a 96 percent world wide market share on PC operating systems - be that
good or bad, I do not know or care - I do know that if I make something that
works in IE, than it works on 96 percent of the computers world wide - if
the end user chooses to use tools that what I build does not work with,
nothing wrong with that - they just have to use another website.

For my specific use that I showed you, the other companies that have such a
thing (ESPN, Yahoo, etc) - all either use Flash, Java, or other methods that
are in many ways more restrictive than the way I do it.  Yahoo for instance
has only this year modified theirs to Flash - before that it was Java, and
only worked in IE browsers. Some things you have to build anyway you can,
because you have so many users that want it (and literally - if I can figure
out how to get the news of that pages existense out to the world - I have a
market demand in the millions for it - that do not care if they have to jump
through hoops and hurdles to get it).

Thats were theory and reality seperate - in the end, you have to come
through with what the market wants.  There is nothing wrong with making
something that has a demand, that satisifies 95 percent of those that want
it.  Any land based business would be overwhelmed by a 95 percent
satisfication with their products.  If we start ignoring the reality of
money, we are doomed to repeat the last dot com crash.

SubjectRe: WRONG - DOM capable browsers will not t run the script after load ....blah blah - WRONG
Date9 May 2005 18:00

> nothing else I
> ever does works in Mozilla

Then maybe you need to do some proper training before making web pages. All
you are doing at the moment is littering the web with incompatible pages,
and you do not do the future of the web, or your clients any good at all.

If you cannot do this training, then maybe you are in the wrong profession.

> keep me busy for five years

If you do not make compatible pages, then 5 years is unlikely, as browsers
will evolve towards the standards compliant direction. That means Opera,
Safari, Mozilla, Konqueror.

> In regards to fallback for disabled - very little scripting works
> well for disabled people - so if we only built pages that worked
> for disabled, we would end up with a newspaper on the web, and thats
> it.

That is absolute, utter bullshit, and excuse my language, since I very
rarely swear in emails, but that is such total bullshit!

A properly written page uses HTML for the structure, and regular pages for
the convaying of information, and just uses scripts to enhance the
behaviour. There is no reason _at all_ to insult or shut out users with
accessibility needs. Plenty of web authors manage to combine scripts and 
pages, producing stunning effects without reducing accessibility. If you do
not know how to do this, then again, you need to learn it. You may be "only
one person" but this is something that every professional and
semi-professional web author should learn.

> It is ok to develope applications that not the entire population can
> use.

Correct, but insulting users with accessibility needs is something I do not
accept. At all. And demanding that people should use a program that does not
serve their needs is equally insulting. Financial reasons aside (I don't
particularly care about your business reasons, since I believe that a
company that decides to use the web has a duty to do it properly), if your
users realised the disrespectful attitude that you have towards their needs,
you would not have any users. And you do not deserve them either.
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