Zack Zielke


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FromZack Zielke
Subjectproblems using importxml.js on [blog site]
Date9 December 2005 06:45
I really like what your importxml.js script has to offer, but I'm trying to
use it in a blog hosted by [blog site].

I need to post your importxml.js on the same page without a link
relationship... and need a simple function to display the xml when the page

I would really appreciate an example that includes:

(all on the same page including javascript)

your import script,
a function that will display the xml when the page loads,
and it would be nice if you could load a page like the [sample] news feed (

I hope this is not too much to ask... I'm just at a standstill at getting a
simple xml page to load


ToZack Zielke
SubjectRe: problems using importxml.js on [blog site]
Date9 December 2005 08:25

> your import script,
> a function that will display the xml when the page loads,
> and it would be nice if you could load a page like the [sample] news
> feed ([URL]).

My RSS feed parser does this:
with the exception that you cannot load XML files from other domains (that
is a security violation), so you need the passthru script included in the
downloadable zip file. Apart from that, you can include the script file in
the main document as you could do with any other script. Then just call the
function when the page loads (the one I call when you fill in the form).

Mark 'Tarquin' Wilton-Jones - author of
FromZack Zielke
SubjectRe: problems using importxml.js on [blog site]
Date9 December 2005 16:59
Wow, that was a quick reply.. I think I need to take things one step at a
time.  I'm trying to get just your rss feed parser to work in a
blogger.comtemplate.  I have put the importxml javascript on the page,
but am getting
an rss feed is not the correct format error.  I am using the exact same code
as what you have on your parser.

I guess my question is, what is the code that I should put into a blank
template to make the page show up just like your rss feed parser page... ie,
something like that so I can view the page on my own without getting your
"stop using my bandwidth" error. :) sorry just trying to figure it out.

I want to host your rss feed parser with some edits of my own and need it
all on one page, because that's all will allow.

Thanks again for such a quick reply.
ToZack Zielke
SubjectRe: problems using importxml.js on [blog site]
Date14 December 2005 07:48

> Wow, that was a quick reply.. I think I need to take things one step at a
> time.  I'm trying to get just your rss feed parser to work in a
> blogger.comtemplate.  I have put the importxml javascript on the page,
> but am getting
> an rss feed is not the correct format error.  I am using the exact same code
> as what you have on your parser.

From the sound of it, the PHP passthru file is not being processed
correctly. It sounds like is not allowing it :(
FromZack Zielke
SubjectRe: problems using importxml.js on [blog site]
Date15 December 2005 02:22
are there any other options that i'm not thinking of without having to use
an external parser or PHP?
ToZack Zielke
SubjectRe: problems using importxml.js on [blog site]
Date15 December 2005 08:58
> are there any other options that i'm not thinking of without having to use
> an external parser or PHP?

Unfortunately none that I can think of. Anything else would be a security
violation, so the browser should not allow it (IE might allow you to
retrieve the file directly - their security model is often not so good as
the other browsers).
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