                         3D image rotating script
                    By Mark Wilton-Jones 04-05/1/2007
                               Version 1.0

Please see http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/jslibs/ for details and a demo of this script
Please see http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/tutorials/jsexamples/imagerotate.html for configuration instructions
Please see http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/jslibs/termsOfUse.html for terms of use


function rotatingImageError(rotError,useThrow) {
	rotError = { name: 'RotatingImage error', message: rotError, description: rotError };
	if( useThrow ) { eval('throw(rotError)'); } else { alert( rotError.name + ': ' + rotError.message ); }

function getRotPositionFromEvent(mousEvent) {
	if( typeof( mousEvent.pageX ) != 'undefined' ) {
		return [mousEvent.pageX,mousEvent.pageY];
	} else {
		var startX = mousEvent.clientX, startY = mousEvent.clientY;
		if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollTop ) ) {
			return [startX+document.documentElement.scrollLeft,startY+document.documentElement.scrollTop];
		} else {
			return [startX+document.body.scrollLeft,startY+document.body.scrollTop];

function RotatingImage( imgPrefix, imgExt, imgName, numRot, numTilt, curRot, curTilt, progressScript, oReadyScript, useThrow ) {

	//check for errors
	var rotError = '';
	if( !this.startAutoRot ) { rotError += '\n* Use the \'new\' keyword when calling the RotatingImage function.'; }
	if( typeof(imgPrefix) != 'string' ) { rotError += '\n* Image prefix must be a string.'; }
	if( typeof(imgExt) != 'string' ) { rotError += '\n* Image extension must be a string.'; }
	if( typeof(imgName) != 'string' ) { rotError += '\n* Image name must be a string.'; }
	if( RotatingImage.prototype.doneImages[imgName] ) { rotError += '\n* Image name'+imgName+' has already been set up ready to rotate. This cannot be done twice for a single image.'; }
	if( isNaN(numRot) || numRot < 1 || parseInt(numRot) != numRot ) { rotError += '\n* Number of images in the rotation must be a whole number >= 1.'; }
	if( isNaN(numTilt) || numTilt < 1 || parseInt(numTilt) != numTilt ) { rotError += '\n* Number of tilt angles must be a whole number >= 1.'; }
	if( isNaN(curRot) || curRot < 1 || curRot > numRot || parseInt(curRot) != curRot ) { rotError += '\n* Current rotation must be a whole number between 1 and the number of images in the rotation.'; }
	if( isNaN(curTilt) || curTilt < 1 || curTilt > numTilt || parseInt(curTilt) != curTilt ) { rotError += '\n* Current tilt must be a whole number between 1 and the number of tilt angles.'; }
	if( rotError ) { rotatingImageError(rotError,useThrow); return; }
	RotatingImage.prototype.doneImages[imgName] = true;

	//store values
	this.imgPrefix = imgPrefix;
	this.imgExt = imgExt;
	this.imgName = imgName;
	this.numRot = numRot;
	this.numTilt = numTilt;
	this.curRot = curRot;
	this.curTilt = curTilt;
	this.useThrow = useThrow;

	//prepare automation
	this.rotInterval = 0;
	this.tiltInterval = 0;
	this.pausedX = false;
	this.pausedY = false;

	//begin preloading required images - this could take a while :)
	this.preloadComplete = false;
	this.imagesLoaded = 0;
	this.imageCache = [];
	var rotref = this;
	for( var i = 1; i <= numRot; i++ ) {
		this.imageCache[i] = [];
		for( var j = 1; j <= numTilt; j++ ) {
			//index 0 is unused in both array levels
			//this is harmless but makes it easier to use later without having to add and subtract 1 (so it is more efficient)
			this.imageCache[i][j] = new Image();
			this.imageCache[i][j].onload = (function (theImage) { return function () {
				if( theImage.alreadyload ) { return; }
				theImage.alreadyload = true;
				if( progressScript ) { progressScript( rotref.imagesLoaded / ( rotref.numRot * rotref.numTilt ) ); }
				if( rotref.imagesLoaded == rotref.numRot * rotref.numTilt ) {
					if( oReadyScript ) { oReadyScript(); }
					rotref.preloadComplete = true;
			}; })(this.imageCache[i][j]); //workaround for Safari stupidity ('this' points to window)
			this.imageCache[i][j].onerror = function () { this.onload(); };
			this.imageCache[i][j].src = this.imgPrefix + '_' + i + '_' + j + this.imgExt;
			if( this.imageCache[i][j].complete ) { this.imageCache[i][j].onload(); }
RotatingImage.prototype.doneImages = {};

//general redraw
RotatingImage.prototype.redraw = function () {
	if( !this.image ) { this.image = document.images[this.imgName]; if( !this.image ) { return; } }
	this.image.src = this.imageCache[this.curRot][this.curTilt].src;

RotatingImage.prototype.startAutoTilt = function (oTime,oStartDir) {
	var oOb = this;
	if( this.numTilt < 2 ) {
		rotatingImageError('AutoTilt can only be used if more than one tilt angles are being used.',this.useThrow); return;
	if( isNaN(oTime) || oTime < 10 || parseInt(oTime) != oTime ) {
		rotatingImageError('AutoTilt needs to be passed an integer greater than 10 to use as the stepping interval.',this.useThrow); return;
	this.tiltDirection = oStartDir;
	this.tiltInterval = setInterval(function () {
		if( oOb.preloadComplete && !oOb.pausedY && ( oOb.image || document.images[oOb.imgName] ) ) {
			if( oOb.tiltDirection && oOb.curTilt == oOb.numTilt ) { oOb.tiltDirection = false; }
			if( !oOb.tiltDirection && oOb.curTilt == 1 ) { oOb.tiltDirection = true; }
			if( oOb.tiltDirection ) { oOb.tiltUp(true); } else { oOb.tiltDown(true); }
RotatingImage.prototype.stopAutoTilt = function () {
	if( this.tiltInterval ) {
		this.tiltInterval = 0;
RotatingImage.prototype.startAutoRot = function (oTime,oDir) {
	var oOb = this;
	if( isNaN(oTime) || oTime < 10 || parseInt(oTime) != oTime ) {
		rotatingImageError('AutoRotate needs to be passed an integer greater than 10 to use as the stepping interval.',this.useThrow); return;
	this.rotDirection = oDir;
	this.rotInterval = setInterval(function () {
		if( oOb.preloadComplete && !oOb.pausedX && ( oOb.image || document.images[oOb.imgName] ) ) {
			if( oOb.rotDirection ) { oOb.rotateUp(true); } else { oOb.rotateDown(true); }
RotatingImage.prototype.stopAutoRot = function () {
	if( this.rotInterval ) {
		this.rotInterval = 0;

//individual tilt/rotation
RotatingImage.prototype.tiltTo = function (oTilt,oAllow) {
	if( !oAllow ) { this.stopAutoTilt(); }
	if( isNaN(oTilt) || oTilt < 1 || oTilt > this.numTilt || parseInt(oTilt) != oTilt ) {
		rotatingImageError('tiltTo number must be a whole number between 1 and the number of tilt angles.',this.useThrow); return;
	this.curTilt = oTilt;
RotatingImage.prototype.tiltUp = function (oAllow) {
	if( !oAllow ) { this.stopAutoTilt(); }
	if( this.curTilt < this.numTilt ) {
RotatingImage.prototype.tiltDown = function (oAllow) {
	if( !oAllow ) { this.stopAutoTilt(); }
	if( this.curTilt > 1 ) {
RotatingImage.prototype.rotateTo = function (oRot,oAllow) {
	if( !oAllow ) { this.stopAutoRot(); }
	if( isNaN(oRot) || oRot < 1 || oRot > this.numRot || parseInt(oRot) != oRot ) {
		rotatingImageError('rotateTo number must be a whole number between 1 and the number of images in the rotation.',this.useThrow); return;
	this.curRot = oRot;
RotatingImage.prototype.rotateUp = function (oAllow) {
	if( !oAllow ) { this.stopAutoRot(); }
	if( this.curRot > this.numRot ) { this.curRot = 1; }
RotatingImage.prototype.rotateDown = function (oAllow) {
	if( !oAllow ) { this.stopAutoRot(); }
	if( !this.curRot ) { this.curRot = this.numRot; }

RotatingImage.prototype.setPanning = function (oX,oY,oStopX,oStopY) {
	var oOb = this;
	if( !this.image ) { this.image = document.images[this.imgName]; if( !this.image ) {
		rotatingImageError('Panning cannot be allowed until after the image has been created.',this.useThrow); return;
	} }
	if( !oX && !oY ) {
		this.image.onmousedown = null;
		if( this.image.style ) { this.image.style.cursor = ''; }
	if( this.image.style ) { this.image.style.cursor = 'move'; }
	this.image.ondragstart = function () { return false; }
	this.image.onselectstart = function () { return false; }
	this.image.onmousedown = function (e) {
		if( !e ) { e = window.event; } if( !e ) { return true; }
		if( e.button > 1 || e.which > 1 ) { return true; }
		var startRotImg = oOb.curtRot, startTiltImg = oOb.curtTilt, startPos = getRotPositionFromEvent(e), oldmouseup = document.onmouseup, curSegs = [0,0];
		this.onmousemove = function (e) {
			if( !e ) { e = window.event; }
			var newSegs = [ this.width / ( oOb.numRot / 2 ), this.height / oOb.numTilt ];
			var mousePos = getRotPositionFromEvent(e);
			newSegs[2] = newSegs[0] = Math.round( ( mousePos[0] - startPos[0] ) / newSegs[0] );
			newSegs[3] = newSegs[1] = Math.round( ( mousePos[1] - startPos[1] ) / newSegs[1] );
			if( oX ) {
				if( oStopX ) { oOb.stopAutoRot(); }
				oOb.pausedX = true;
				while( newSegs[0] > curSegs[0] ) { oOb.rotateDown(!oStopX); newSegs[0]--; }
				while( newSegs[0] < curSegs[0] ) { oOb.rotateUp(!oStopX); newSegs[0]++; }
			if( oY ) {
				if( oStopY ) { oOb.stopAutoTilt(); }
				oOb.pausedY = true;
				while( newSegs[1] > curSegs[1] ) { oOb.tiltDown(!oStopY); newSegs[1]--; }
				while( newSegs[1] < curSegs[1] ) { oOb.tiltUp(!oStopY); newSegs[1]++; }
			curSegs = [newSegs[2],newSegs[3]];
		document.onmouseup = function () {
			oOb.pausedX = false;
			oOb.pausedY = false;
			oOb.image.onmousemove = null;
			document.onmouseup = oldmouseup;
		return false;

RotatingImage.prototype.setupZoomInformation = function() {	if( !this.image ) { this.image = document.images[this.imgName]; if( !this.image ) {
		rotatingImageError('Images cannot be zoomed until after they have been created.',this.useThrow); return;
	} }
	if( !this.rotZoomDetails ) {
		if( !this.image.height && !this.image.width ) {
			rotatingImageError('Images cannot be zoomed until after they have loaded.',this.useThrow); return;
		this.rotZoomDetails = { height: this.image.height, width: this.image.width, zoom: 100 };
RotatingImage.prototype.zoomImageIn = function (byPercent,maxPercent) {
	if( !this.rotZoomDetails ) { return 0; }
	var desiredPercent = this.rotZoomDetails.zoom + byPercent;
	if( desiredPercent > maxPercent ) { desiredPercent = maxPercent; }
	return desiredPercent;
RotatingImage.prototype.zoomImageOut = function (byPercent,minPercent) {
	if( !this.rotZoomDetails ) { return 0; }
	var desiredPercent = this.rotZoomDetails.zoom - byPercent;
	if( desiredPercent < minPercent ) { desiredPercent = minPercent; }
	return desiredPercent;
RotatingImage.prototype.zoomImageTo = function (toPercent) {
	if( !this.rotZoomDetails ) { return; }
	if( isNaN(toPercent) || toPercent < 0 ) { rotatingImageError('A positive number must be used when zooming.',this.useThrow); return; }
	this.image.height = Math.round( this.rotZoomDetails.height * ( toPercent / 100 ) );
	this.image.width = Math.round( this.rotZoomDetails.width * ( toPercent / 100 ) );
	this.rotZoomDetails.zoom = toPercent;

//simulated read-only properties
RotatingImage.prototype.getTilt = function () { return this.curTilt; };
RotatingImage.prototype.getNumTilt = function () { return this.numTilt; };
RotatingImage.prototype.getRotation = function () { return this.curRot; };
RotatingImage.prototype.getNumRotation = function () { return this.numRot; };